
Testimonials for Nature Connection Workshops:

Nature Connection Workshops made a big difference in my life. I discovered that simply being in nature and feeling it deeper is so much enjoyable!”

Marina's soft and kind voice makes her guided meditations very special.”

I am in harmony with nature! I definitely feel healthier and happier most of the time.”

Each class was so much relief after a stressful day. Since then I always feel much more relieved and energized during my outdoor activities.”

" A sequence of exercises is thought out well. Our attention and our bodies don't get tired. The instructor approaches each exercise from different angles, so this "not repeated repeating" is very helpful in visualizing an image and working with it."

"I always loved being in nature. The most beautiful scenes made me stop and stare at them for a long time. I always had a feeling that it is not enough, that I can do something with this beauty. How I know what it was."

These workshops helped me to improve my relationship with my family. I pass on them my emotions of harmony and love. I've learned to forgive and calm down easier and faster. I feel more loved and appreciated now.”

I love these workshops but I often was sleeping during relaxation at the end. Overall, my the most important outcome: I don't have sleeping problems anymore.”

In the beginning, energizing exercises were easier for me than relaxing ones. Gradually I've learned to relax easier and deeper. It improved my personality and made my life better.”

I like that we always discuss our experiences in the circle right after each workshop. It is like final exercise working with energy”.

Theme workshops are really fabulous for those whose lifestyle includes attending different spiritual workshops so they know the basics and ready to gain new deep experience not just in one's imaginary world but via interaction with our real world.”

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