What is the difference between Global Thinking and Systems Thinking?

Global Thinking is a kind of Creative Thinking which becomes Systems Thinking via operating with global categories. The Systems Thinking approach is getting popular for developing sustainable strategies and making sustainable solutions for different systems in the world; it is much more to consider about "systems of systems" on a global scale. Global Thinking can be called Global Systems Thinking. Systems Thinking focuses mainly on the exploration of connections between parts of a system, and/or connections between a system with other systems and the dynamics of their development. Global Thinking, besides that, focuses on the impact of patterns of systems to the whole planet. Because of opportunities to operate with large scale systems and concepts, people, for instance, may consider different models of the world, where the division of the world into systems might be somewhat different, and different connections may become more or less important than they used to be in our old system they used to consider. Parts of the system might be somewhat or completely different from the original one too. So when it comes to solving a problem Systems Thinking focuses on a particular system, and Global Thinking focuses on the entire world as a whole system that includes that particular system. A person's structures of thinking, the “thinking habits spectrum” in one's mind have greater potential for developing strategies and solving problems on a planetary scale than just a systems approach.

I doubt somebody who does not have a background of years working in a specific field, for instance, water resources, is able to understand details of how things work there and help with solutions.

I am not trying to solve those kinds of problems or develop an effective strategy just myself. I put together a team of experts in a specific field and in related fields. I work on their Global Thinking abilities, so they can brainstorm the problem as a team more effectively. I provide occasional, regular, or intensive guidance in their overall work depending on how their teamwork evolves.

It is much more important to develop ethics for peace in the world for the new generation than develop so- called new century skills, including Global Thinking.

Developing motivation for maintaining a peaceful sustainable planet via Global Awareness is not enough for solving global problems. We need to develop thinking structures (habits) to be able to reach this goal. Eventually, the development of Global Thinking helps the development of motivation and ethics because it brings deeper understanding of the importance of maintaining a peaceful sustainable planet.

We have a Global Competency program in our curriculum. Why do we need an additional program for Global Thinking development?

I found in my research (2001-2004) that educational programs for multiple thinking abilities development (critical, creative, systems, etc.) are about 2,5 times more effective for Global Thinking development than programs just for gaining Global Competency. My program is focused on the development of Global Thinking abilities, and this is the most effective way to reach this goal so far.

How did you come to your three parameters of Global Thinking?

My system of the three parameters (Integrity, Dynamics, and Alternativity) is based upon intellectual-personal characteristics which Global Thinking depends on found by famous Russian psychologist U. Koulutkin in the 70s. All models of Global Thinking (R. Hanvey, W.Stainley, I. Alexashina, etc.) can be deduced from these parameters. I have proved in my research manuscript that each of my parameters is essential for Global Thinking development, and a system of those three parameters is complete. Exploring the nature of Global Thinking via comparing it with other types of thinking, via considering relations between different concepts in Global Education, I figured out how our regular thinking and our regular worldview evolves to the Global Thinking and Global Worldview, which is really getting more and more complex in our minds to “perceive the world as a whole system, and a system of multilevel interdependencies”. It is typical for a discovery that after series of guesses and their verifications based upon a spectrum of different related fields of knowledge, the ideas of how things work are getting clear eventually. After calibrating Integrity, Dynamics, and Alternativity by levels, I built a scale for the measurement and development of Global Thinking.

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