ECISD Response - Google

On this page, you will find response to the Google Requirements document required for Identity Automation planning. The focus is on students and staff accounts.

Google Apps Requirements Questionnaire

1. Students

1.1 Do all student users have an account in Google Apps? Yes

1.2 How do you determine who gets a Google Apps account? All students get an account.

1.3 Are all student users placed in one student domain? How many domains are there? Yes, all student users are placed in one student domain; there is only one domain.

2.1 What is the business process for adding a new student user object? (What is the means of notification) Students are added via a script.

2.2 What is the algorithm for building email address? First 6 of the first name, first 4 of the last, last 3 of student ID.

2.3 What is the business process for deleting/disabling a user object? (i.e. What is the means of notification? How long are accounts left disabled before they are deleted?) By hand, manually. Accounts are never deleted and no process is currently in place.

2.4 What is the business process for renaming an object? Manual rename.

2.5 What are the business rules or the password policy for creating passwords? Example: Do different roles have different password requirements? Initial password: Student ID. Reset: Students reset password to anything as long as it is 8 characters long.

Are there any additional comments, risks, assumptions or issues that we should be aware of for this project?

Students are not in the correct campuses. This occured because students have not been moved in Active Directory after initial import and designation.


1.1 Do all staff users have an account in GoogleApps? Yes

1.2 How do you determine who gets a GoogleApps account? All users get an account and permanent substitute teachers as well (manually created)

1.3 Are all staff users placed in one staff domain? How many domains are there? Yes, is the domain. There is only one domain for staff.

1.4 Is your Google structure going to be hierarchical or flat? Currently, "faculty" is the org and individual campuses are sub-orgs.

1.5 What other services/software are linked with GoogleApps? Potentially, only the in-house Student Account Lookup Tool (SALT).

1.6 How many users and groups exist in Google Apps?

Total possible users: 15,663

Total Groups in existence: 115

1.7 How do you determine what groups need to be managed in GoogleApps? All but 12 groups have to be manually managed. Active Directory only brings campus groups. If people move to another campus, then they have to be moved by hand.

1.8 What users, other than employees, are created (i.e.: contractors, vendors, patients)? Interns, consultants, school board members.

1.9 Admin account credentials that will be used by DSS to manage users/groups in GoogleApps?

2.1 Who are your network administrators (the administrators who add and maintain user objects) for Google Apps? Marguerite Lowak (; 210-649-2343)

2.2 What is the business process for adding a new staff user object? What is the means of notification? Internal script or manual. A district document is sent via email (manually). Need a better process.

2.3 What is the algorithm for building email addresses? firstname.lastname . When duplicates are encountered, numbers are added automatically.

2.4 What is the business process for deleting/disabling/enabling a user object? (i.e. What is the means of notification? How long are accounts left disabled before they are deleted?) By hand, or using a script to disable but doesn't actually remove just suspends them. Accounts have to be removed manually.

2.5 What is the business process for renaming an object? Rename and make previous name an alias for remainder of school year. Delete alias at the end of the year.

2.6 What are the business rules or the password policies for creating passwords? Example: Do different roles have different password requirements?

Initial: Five zeroes and 4 digit staff ID are the combination.

Forced Reset: At least 8 characters.

July 23, 2014 - Meeting Participants


  • Marguerite Lowak
  • Calvin Orsak
  • Cody Sievers
  • Miguel Guhlin


  • Marguerite Lowak
  • Cody Sievers
  • MIguel Guhlin