Identity Automation

Last Updated: 12:54PM; 08/04/2014

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What is Identity Automation?

Identity automation eliminates errors and minimizes staff time spent on creating, maintaining and managing staff and student accounts that are currently kept by multiple people. The District currently lacks staff and an automated way of managing user accounts a variety of disparate systems (e.g. ActiveDirectory, GoogleApps, Eduphoria Suite, ProjectShare, ParentLink, FitnessGram, Scholastic Programs (e.g. SMI/SRI) to name a few). These have to be manually managed, and result in errors. Bottlenecks occur since only a few key staff have access. A new work process has to be setup and managed for every new vendor.

What is the benefit of Identity Automation?

Identity automation will reduce or eliminate this concern and streamline response time for all systems. When changes are made in one system, those changes will flow to all others. To see the variety of data sources. Top priority for initial launch during Summer, 2014 is being given to the following:

  1. Foundational Accounts for All Students and Staff
    1. Active Directory (AD)
    2. GoogleApps for Education
  2. Instructional Programs
    1. IStation - This affects all students and is due September 8, 2014. (View data file specifications)
    2. Scholastic - SRI/SMI - This affects all students and is due September 8, 2014. (View data file specifications and read these instructions).

Current Status

Servers (3) setup and System Configuration is ongoing.

Table of Progress for specific projects.

Meeting Notes

August, 2014

08/01/2014; 8:00-9:00am - GoToMeeting

Who: ESTGroup, Calvin Orsak, Miguel Guhlin

What: VPN Connection settings and secure port

What: Develop responses to IA questions:

08/04/2014; 10:30AM - Phone Conversation

Who: Jason Adams, Miguel Guhlin

What: Data files that need to be created by ESC-20 (Staff | Student). Also need to know frequency that they can be provided at.

08/06/2014; 2:00pm - F2F & Phone

Who: Ms. Burns, Ms. Welch, Ms. Harris, Mr. Selby, Mr. Orsak, Mr. Guhlin, Ms. Bell (ESC-20), Jason Adams (EST-Group)

What: Clarify expectations for data file generation (Staff | Student) and frequency.

To Be Scheduled:

  • Face to Face meeting with with EST Group

June-July, 2014

Status: Server(s) Setup and System Configuration

Top Priorities:

    • Active Directory
    • GoogleApps - Can we possibly move to the new School Apps Directory Sync, can they support this and can we get the files from Region 20 SIS
    • IStation - Deadline: September 8
    • Scholastic SMI/SRI Accounts

Complete Requisite Forms

Meetings/Phone Conversations

07/23/2014; 2:00pm - F2F Meeting

Who: Ms. Burns, Ms. Welch, Ms. Harris, Ms. Chohlis, Mr. Orsak, Mr. Guhlin


07/31/2014; Phone Conversation

Who: Miguel Guhlin, Mark Hanna and Jason Adams to clarify What: Data file needs

April, 2014

Begin Initial Setup of Identity Automation

  • Provide Virtual Infrastructure for Appliance Installation
  • Appliances have a self-contained OS, so the customer does not need to apply a server license to the VM
  • Provide Identity Automation Support Staff with Remote Access

Below, please find file attachments: