Job Analysis Form

Thank you for taking the time to review this information. Please note that this information will not be used for job assessment purposes, only as information to better provide service for the people we are responsible for. Please keep contributions factual and professional.


Please fill out the form below by no later than May 23, then setup a meeting with me through Jill Sievers. This will help me understand the critical role you play within the Tech Department.


Please complete the following form; you are encouraged to copy-n-paste this into a word processor, then email the PDF to "" with the following subject: Job Analysis - Your Name replacing "Your Name" with your name.


Part 1 - Basic Functions and Scope of Job:

Please provide a brief summary of the main purpose of this job and the prime reason for its existence. If you are aware of the differences between what you actually do, and your job description, please point that out. If you have statistics or quantitative data, include it.

What It Says in My Job Description

What I Actually Do

Relevant Statistic or Quantitative Data

*Add more rows as you need to.

Part 2 - Improving Service

Please share any ideas based on your unique knowledge of your work. Consider what personal (e.g. "need more training to build my skills"), social (e.g. others don't value technology), structural barriers (e.g. more wireless access points are needed) exist that keep you from delivering even better service than what you offer now?

Part 3 - 2 Stars and 1 Wish

2 Stars: What are two things the Tech Dept is doing really well?

1 Wish: What is one thing we could do (or do better) that would really impact your work in the school district?

Part 4 - Comments

Is there anything else you think I need to be aware of to as we collaborate to enhance service?