
Metrics are organized according to school year.

  • 2014-2015
  • 2013-2014
    • State-Required Data - NCLB Technology Report
    • Texas districts have traditionally submitted data for NCLB Title II, Part D through TEA's NCLB Technology Report. While funding for Title II, Part D was discontinued, the law is still in effect. For the 2013-2014 school year, districts and open-enrollment charter schools may wish to collect the data and store it at the local level. TEA will not collect the data this year.
      • NCLB Technology Report
        • Section 1 - Unduplicated Number of Internet-connected Computers
        • Section 2 - 8th Grade Technology Literacy Assessment
          • What method did your district use to measure the number of 8th grade technology literature students?
          • Response: A commercial assessment instrument that demonstrates student proficiency.
          • If a commercial assessment was used, what is the name of the instrument?
          • Response: TCEA Post-Test 13/14 - TA:TEKS Assessment
          • How many 8th grade students are in your district?
          • Response: 796
          • How many unduplicated 8th grade students were evaluated for technology literacy?
          • Response: 621
          • How many 8th grade students are technology literate?
          • Response: 568*
          • *Note: Scores on the assessment were divided into 4 categories, including Advanced, Proficient, Basic and Below Basic. Only the Below Basic category was not included in this number.
        • Section 3 - Campus Administrator Self-Assessment
    • External Reports
    • Internal Reports
  • 2012-2013