Network Engineer

  1. Support and supervise installation of technology infrastructure.
  2. Oversee management of district and campus data networks.
  3. Oversee district technology budget appropriate to job functions.
  4. Collaborate on purchase requests for technology hardware and software.
  5. Maintain the integrity of all district networks.
  6. Install and configure new network hardware.
  7. Support online energy management system.
  8. Install and configure wireless network services.
  9. Maintain network security hardware and software.
  10. Coordinate effective functioning of technology with campus technology coordinators.
  11. Support FirstClass e-mail system
  12. Support Digital Campus (SLC)
  13. Troubleshoot hardware and software problems on PC-compatible and Macintosh computers.
  14. Support Food Service Point of Sale (POS) system
  15. Support services from Region 20 mainframe system
  16. Support Gradespeed online grading and attendance system
  17. Provide training to ECISD administrators, teachers and staff in the use of data networks and assist in training in other areas where needed.
  18. Provide information for e-Rate applications
  19. Other duties as assigned.