ePlan: 2008-2009

EAST CENTRAL ISD Technology Plan for E-Rate Year 11

2008 - 2009




ESC Region: 20

City, State Zip: SAN ANTONIO, TX 782639701

Phone: (210) 648-7861

Fax: (210) 648-0931

Number of Campuses: 13

Total Student Enrollment: 8750

District Size: 5,000 - 9,999

Percent Econ. Disadvantaged: 57.21%

Technology Expenditures: $1,720,610.00

- Teaching and Learning Budget: $715,567.00

- Educator Preparation and Development Budget: $76,541.00

- Leadership, Administration and Support Budget: $254,950.00

- Infrastructure for Technology Budget: $673,552.00

Technology Expenditure Per Pupil: $196.64

Number of Campuses with Direct Connection to Internet: 13

Percentage of Campuses with Direct Connection to Internet: 100.00%

Number of Classrooms with Direct Connection to Internet: 614

Percentage of Classrooms with Direct Connection to Internet: 100.00%

Computer/Student Ratio: 3 student(s) for every computer

Computer/Teacher Ratio: 1 teacher(s) for every computer

Number of campuses that need to complete the Texas Campus STaR Chart: 13

Percentage of campuses that have completed the Texas Campus STaR Chart: 100.00 %


Plan Last Edited: 03/27/2008

Technology Planning Committee:

Dr. Patti Birney

Jim Selby

Aric Jimenez

Tom Grove

Marguerite Lowak

Cathy Zotz

Wes Stevens

Judy Burns

Wayne Milner

Lynn Hernandez

Cheri Kosub

Charles Dede

Kathy Petrequin

Connie Guerra

Susie Havard

Linda Flores

Natalie Ouellette

Liz Wilson

Neil DeSiato

Jennifer Smith

Helen Zenner


The Technology Planning Committee determined that a one-year plan was most appropriate for East Central. Therefore, the plan addresses a limited scope of objectives for the 2008-2009 school year.

The plan strives to identify ways in which technology can be used to support district goals and objectives for improvement.

The plan addresses infrastructure needs, focusing on strategies for increasing the efficiency of district networks and increasing bandwidth for Internet use.

The plan addresses staff development, which was identified as the primary need. Objectives and strategies have been developed that include increased use of online resources to supplement current face to face training sessions.

The plan addresses student achievement through the district's on-going efforts to engage students in multimedia learning projects. We will also focus on student technology competencies at the elementary and Intermediate level.

Finally, the plan addresses administrative effectiveness and efficiency through support of many current practices and by continuing to explore ways to move to a "paperless" working environment.


Assessment Process: Each campus completed the Texas STaR assessment.

Each campus technology coordinator submitted a description of current status and anticipated hardware and software needs based on individual campus improvement plans.

Campus principals were interviewed to determine the extent to which technology was facilitating the overall operation of their schools.

District staff reviewed the ECISD WAN to determine immediate needs for upgrades, increased bandwidth, and disaster recovery.

Individual campus site-based decision-making committees were asked to review local improvement plans and make suggestions regarding how technology can be used to help meet the goals and objectives contained in the plans.

Existing Conditions:

All district classrooms have Internet access. Approximately 95% of the classrooms have switched 100Base-T connection speeds. All district workstations use a 10 MB connection to the Internet; each campus connects to the District MDF through point-to-point Giga-Man service lines. The district's external internet connection currently consists of one 10 MB lines. All locations, Secondary, Middle, Intermediate, and Elementary are running Giga-Man services. All classrooms have at least one workstation that is less than 3 years old and at least one additional workstation. There is an average of 3 workstations in each classroom.

Each elementary campus has a 30-station computer lab. Several have additional mobile mini-labs. Multiple computers in each library access the Alexandria library automation system.

Each intermediate school has a computer lab in addition to multiple classroom workstations.

Each middle school has one computer applications classrooms with 30 computers and a multimedia classroom with 30 computers. The libraries have 20 workstations for student use. There are two mobile computer labs with 15 laptops on each cart that are available for check out at Heritage Middle School. Each classroom has at least one workstation that is less than 3 years old and at least three additional computers.

The high school has numerous computer-based classrooms as well as teacher and student workstations in each classrooms and a centrally located distance learning lab. There are 25 Internet-connected computers in the library and an additional 25 computers in a lab that can be scheduled for general use. The high school's Early College High School has two wireless carts with twenty-six laptops each. The Digital Campus has three hundred sixty-five students involved in the district's 1:1 laptop initiative.

Each teacher and administrative workstation has a standard set of software, including Microsoft Office. All teachers use GradeSpeed for online attendance and grades 2-12 use it for both grading and attendance. All staff have an email account on the East Central First Class email system. There are several special programs with student email accounts, including Digital Campus at the high school.

Seventy percent of the campuses have a closed-circuit TV network that is used for daily announcements.

Technology Needs:

There is a continuing need to upgrade computers and related equipment. At a minimum, all teachers and administrators need a computer that is less than 4 years old to be able to perform all computer-related tasks.

There is a need for staff development, as determined by the STaR assessments. There is a critical issue of time: other district initiatives driven by state-mandated testing programs have tended to use up what limited time is available for staff development. There is also a need for on-line staff development.

Staff development needs include basic computer skills as well as more complex technology integration capacities.

There is a need to continue efforts to upgrade existing infrastructure. Current point-to-point Giga-Man Service lines are generally adequate. Giga-Man services have been established at all campuses throughout East central except Bexar County Learning Center which will come online in mid-April 2008. There is a general need to have all campus upgraded to full deploy enterprise applications such as online purchasing/finance, GradeSpeed, First Class Email, and United Streaming Media Content.


Goal 1: Increase student achievement by integrating technology into teaching and learning in all areas.

Objective 1.1: Monitor levels of technology integration in teaching and learning at all grade levels.

Budget for this objective: $6,453.50

LRPT Category: Educator Preparation and Development

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 03 04a 04b 07 11

Strategy 1.1.1: Refine Web-based technology integration survey.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: July - August, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: Network Manager, District Database Manager, Instructional Technology Specialist

Evidence: Survey online and ready to use.


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP08, LAS04, TL04, TL06

Strategy 1.1.2: Survey teachers to identify current uses of technology

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009. At least two surveys will be conducted during the 2008-2009 school year.

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, District Database Manager, Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators

Evidence: Survey results on file with lists of instructional activities that use technology.


LRPT Correlates: EP04, EP05

Objective 1.2: Identify additional areas where technology can be integrated into the curriculum

Budget for this objective: $8,861.00

LRPT Category: Educator Preparation and Development

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 03 04a 04b 07 08

Strategy 1.2.1: Implement web-based Accelerated Math and/or Accelerated Reading at selected campuses enabling student access from local or remote locations.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: No Child Left Behind Facilitator, Director of Technology, Network Engineer

Evidence: Weekly and quarterly reports, increased student progress, teacher observation.

Comments: Accelerated Reading is running at all elementary, intermediate, and secondary level schools. Eventually moving onto a more centralized version like online Accelerated Reading Online. Accelerated Math is running at the middle schools.

LRPT Correlates: TL04, TL07, TL09, TL15

Strategy 1.2.2: Post technology-rich lesson plans on District Web pages.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August 2008 - June 2009.

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators, Teachers

Evidence: Projects posted on the ECISD website. Appendix C is a link to one such project.

Comments: This is an on-going effort; we currently have over 75 projects available to district teachers.

LRPT Correlates: TL01, TL05, TL06, TL08, TL12, TL13, TL14

Strategy 1.2.3: Research the World Wide Web for technology-based instructional modules.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators, Teachers

Evidence: Lessons posted on District web pages with WWW links included. Updated links on District Curriculum Assessment and Alignment Project web pages (CAAP Intranet).


LRPT Correlates: I09, LAS01, TL01, TL02, TL05, TL06, TL08, TL09, TL10, TL11, TL12, TL13, TL14, TL15

Strategy 1.2.4: Develop and maintain local web sites to share resources.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Web Masters, classroom teachers.

Evidence: "Last Updated" dates for posting campus/classroom web pages.


LRPT Correlates: TL12, TL13, TL14, TL15, TL16

Objective 1.3: Implement strategies that use technology to improve teaching and learning

Budget for this objective: $225,000.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 03 04a 04b 07

Strategy 1.3.1: Conduct training to demonstrate how to integrate technology into the teaching and learning process.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators, Teachers

Evidence: Classroom observation records, interviews with teachers, student performance data, teacher surveys, sign-in sheets


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP07, EP09

Strategy 1.3.2: Provide incentives and support to teachers who develop model practices using technology.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Administrators

Evidence: Records of resources provided to individual teachers, copies of training certificates awarded.

Comments: This is part of an on-going incentive plan for providing specialized equipment and/or software to teachers who are early adopters and recognize the importance of implementing technology rich instructional in all curriculum areas.

LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP04, EP05, EP06, EP07, LAS03, TL01, TL02, TL06, TL08

Objective 1.4: Implement a 1:1 Digital Campus for four hundred 9-12th grade students.

Budget for this objective: $327,067.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 03 04a 04b 05 07 09 11 12

Strategy 1.4.1: Identify participating students for inclusion in the Digital Campus at East Central High School, our 1:1 laptop initiative.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: May, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Instructional Technology Specialist, Middle School Principals, Middle School Academic Deans, Digital Campus Vice Principal, High School Principal

Evidence: List of students.

Comments: Every year we have a lottery process for the middle school students to participate for the Digital Campus program the next school year when they move to the High School. The lottery process takes into consideration student and other information to make an equitable selection process.

LRPT Correlates: EP03, I04, TL01, TL07, TL08, TL09

Strategy 1.4.2: Provide staff development for participating teachers.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: Summer, 2008 for initial teacher training. Biweekly meetings throughout the 2008-09 school year. Ongoing one-to-one,on-line training in participating teachers' classrooms.

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Digital Campus Vice Principal

Evidence: Curriculum units and technology-rich lesson plans completed by participants, records of meetings, observation notes, and teacher skill surveys.


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP06, EP07, EP08, EP09

Strategy 1.4.3: Provide staff development for Digital Campus students and/or parents.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: Summer 2008, and periodically throughout the school year as needed

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Digital Campus Principal

Evidence: Equipment Check-out sheets, Acceptable Use Policy Sheets

Comments: We hold orientation for the freshman cohort and new Digital Campus students before school starts. These mandatory workshops are vehicles to assist students and their parents in becoming familiar with the laptop,and the policies prior to the beginning of the school year.

LRPT Correlates: TL01, TL05, TL06, TL08, TL09, TL12, TL13, TL14, TL15

Strategy 1.4.4: Provide on-going support to participating teachers.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, High School Principal, Digital Campus Principal, Campus Academic Dean, Database Manager

Evidence: Calendar entries of classroom visits, on-line teacher surveys


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP06, EP08, EP09, I02, LAS03, LAS05, LAS06, LAS10, TL01, TL03, TL05, TL06, TL07, TL08, TL12, TL13, TL14, TL15, TL16

Strategy 1.4.5: Evaluate impact on student achievement and attitudes through online student surveys.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: April - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Digital Campus Vice Principal, Campus Academic Dean, Database Manager

Evidence: Copies of student and parent survey results, Benchmark assessment reports, TAKS results


LRPT Correlates: LAS01, LAS02, TL15, TL16

Goal 2: Develop strategies to help students meet the technology TEKS.

Objective 2.1: Enable administrators, teachers, parents and students (where appropriate) to summarize relevant technology TEKS requirements.

Budget for this objective: $2,500.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01

NCLB Correlates: 01 03

Strategy 2.1.1: Make technology TEKS available to all campuses, organized by end-of-grade benchmarks.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Principals, Campus Technology Coordinators.

Evidence: Written/oral summarization and knowledge of the TEKS, based on informal surveys and/or observations.


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP05, TL01, TL02

Objective 2.2: Develop and implement instructional activities that involve technology TEKS performance descriptors.

Budget for this objective: $60,000.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 04a 04b 07 08 11

Strategy 2.2.1: Provide training for and facilitate sharing of projects developed by teachers.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Principals

Evidence: Projects posted on district and/or campus web sites.


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP07, EP08, LAS03, TL01, TL03, TL06, TL08, TL09, TL14

Strategy 2.2.2: Identify technology-rich instructional activities for inclusion in daily lessons.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: July, 2008 - June, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Instructional Technology Specialist, Teachers, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Administrators

Evidence: Review of lesson plans, classroom observation reports.

Comments: At the secondary level the web mastering classes are using the newest industry standards to develop web pages. Research conducted on a global scale to capture the newest emerging technologies.

LRPT Correlates: TL08, TL12, TL16

Objective 2.3: Implement technology TEKS instruction in all elementary school computer labs.

Budget for this objective: $41,000.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 03 04a 04b 07

Strategy 2.3.1: Refine existing elementary technology TEKS curricular materials.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By October 1, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators, Computer Lab Teaching Assistants

Evidence: Published curriculum guides/frameworks on district intranet and available to all schools.

Comments: The district has adopted SRA's TechKnowledge as the adopted curriculum for grades K-4.

LRPT Correlates: TL01, TL03

Strategy 2.3.2: Train computer lab teaching assistants in use of elementary technology TEKS curriculum materials.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: August - November, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators

Evidence: Copies of training materials, agendas, evaluations, and sign-in sheets.


LRPT Correlates: TL01, TL03

Strategy 2.3.3: Implement and evaluate elementary technology TEKS instruction.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: November, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Elementary Computer Lab Teaching Assistants, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Principals, Instructional Technology Specialist.

Evidence: Copies of student-created products, results of end-of-year student skill surveys, or assessments.


LRPT Correlates: TL01, TL03

Goal 3: Increase educators' effectiveness in using technology.

Objective 3.1: Monitor proficiency levels of teachers, support staff, and administrators at all levels.

Budget for this objective: $5,000.00

LRPT Category: Educator Preparation and Development

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 04b 11 12

Strategy 3.1.1: Periodically survey all faculty using local web-based technology skills survey.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Database Manager, Campus Principals, Campus Technology Coordinators

Evidence: Completed surveys


LRPT Correlates: EP04, EP05, LAS03

Strategy 3.1.2: Analyze survey results to determine priorities for training.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: On-going: at least 2 times during the 2008-2009 school year.

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Principals

Evidence: Summaries of survey results.


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP04, EP05, I01, LAS01, LAS03, TL05, TL14

Objective 3.2: Develop training modules to address identified needs.

Budget for this objective: $28,000.00

LRPT Category: Educator Preparation and Development

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 03 04b 07 12

Strategy 3.2.1: Develop printed and electronic training materials.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist

Evidence: File copies of training guides; training materials published on local district web pages.

Comments: Training materials will be offered in multiple formats including handouts, streaming video, and podcasts.

LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP04, EP05, EP08, I01, TL14

Strategy 3.2.2: Purchase and/or develop software for training, including subscriptions to online training programs.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By October 30, 2008.

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist

Evidence: Software available to teachers, staff, and students; online training access logs


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP08, EP09, I01, LAS01, TL14

Objective 3.3: Implement training to meet identified needs and assess the effectiveness of programs designed to increase technology proficiencies.

Budget for this objective: $23,226.50

LRPT Category: Educator Preparation and Development

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 03 04a 04b 11

Strategy 3.3.1: Schedule training for teacher during workdays, after school hours, weekends, and summer months.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Webmasters, Campus Technology Coordinators, District Curriculum Staff

Evidence: List of sessions scheduled, sign-in sheets, session evaluations


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP07, EP08, LAS08, TL14

Strategy 3.3.2: Follow training with surveys, walk-through observations, informal interviews, and peer coaching to ensure staff development implementation.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Administrators

Evidence: Surveys, observation summaries, interview records on file.


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP08, EP09, I01, I03, LAS01, LAS02, LAS03, LAS06, TL01, TL02, TL05, TL06, TL08, TL14

Objective 3.4: Monitor mastery of SBEC Technology Applications Educator Standards as part of the yearly teacher appraisal system.

Budget for this objective: $25,000.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 04a 04b 07 08 09 11 12

Strategy 3.4.1: Review SBEC Technology Applications Educator Standards with campus administrators.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Principals, Superintendent

Evidence: Sign-in sheets, agendas, copy of handouts


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, LAS01, LAS02, LAS03, LAS05, LAS12, TL01, TL02, TL03

Strategy 3.4.2: Follow training with informal walk-through observations and formal PDAS observations.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Administrators, Superintendent

Evidence: PDAS documentation


LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP05, LAS12

Objective 3.5: Implement distance learning opportunities.

Budget for this objective: $5,000.00

LRPT Category: Educator Preparation and Development

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 06 08 09

Strategy 3.5.1: Collaborate with Military Child Education Coalition to include distance counseling at the middle school and high school levels.

State: Revised

Status: Completed

Timeline: Completed

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Network Engineer, High School Counselors, Middle School Counselors

Evidence: Phone logs, site visits to other distance counseling locations


LRPT Correlates: I01, I05, I06, LAS05, LAS07, LAS09, LAS13, LAS15, TL08, TL14

Strategy 3.5.2: Implement distance learning opportunities at the secondary level.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Secondary Curriculum Director, Network Engineer, High School Administration, High School Teachers

Evidence: Student participation, videoconferencing schedules with other distance learning sites

Comments: The Distance Learning lab is operational and scheduling classes for student participation, staff development, and video conference bridging with Region 20.

LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP04, EP05, EP08, EP09, I01, I03, I09, LAS13, LAS15, TL01, TL02, TL08, TL09, TL12, TL13, TL14, TL15

Goal 4: Integrate technology into instructional management and administration.

Objective 4.1: Develop and support a viable, comprehensive district technology plan.

Budget for this objective: $22,000.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 03 04a 04b 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Strategy 4.1.1: Conduct monthly meetings to assess campus and district technology needs.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Superintendent, Campus Administrators, Campus Technology Coordinators, Instructional Technology Specialist, Director of Technology, Network Engineer

Evidence: Agendas, project(s) documentation, minutes of meetings.

Comments: Planning, implementation, and status of projects would be agenda items. New system processes that would impact district operations would also be a topic for discussion.

LRPT Correlates: LAS02, LAS04

Strategy 4.1.2: Complete teacher and campus STaR charts.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: By January, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Campus Administrators, Campus Technology Coordinators, Instructional Technology Specialist

Evidence: All teacher and campus STaR charts have been electronically submitted.


LRPT Correlates: LAS04

Strategy 4.1.3: Meet with individual campuses to determine current and future needs.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: By December, 2008.

Person(s) Responsible: Campus Administrators, Campus Technology Coordinator, Director of Technology, Instructional Technology Specialist

Evidence: Budget documentation, needs and assessment documentation.

Comments: Discussions will center on the topics of hardware, software, and staff development needs.

LRPT Correlates: I01, I04, I07, LAS04

Strategy 4.1.4: Revise district technology ePlan to include current and future technology efforts.

State: Original

Status: Planned

Timeline: September 2008 - August 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Director of Technology, Network Engineer

Evidence: Completed district technology plan.

Comments: Submitted to SEDL with peer-review approval. East Central has to review another participating school districts Technology Plan.

LRPT Correlates: LAS02, LAS04

Objective 4.2: Implement a system for web-based submission and review of grades, attendance data, student progress reports, and other instructional management tasks.

Budget for this objective: $45,000.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 05 09 12

Strategy 4.2.1: Support implementation of the GradeSpeed web-based grading and attendance reporting system.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Director of Technology, Network Engineer, Database Manager, Campus No Child Left Behind Facilitators, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Administrators

Evidence: Records of use of GradeSpeed system on file.

Comments: Region 20 schedules are imported into GradeSpeed with student information and schedules.

LRPT Correlates: LAS05, LAS06, LAS09, LAS11, LAS13

Strategy 4.2.2: Provide staff development and training in the use of the GradeSpeed grade and attendance reporting system.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Director of Technology, Network Engineer, Database Manager, Campus No Child Left Behind Facilitators, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Administrators

Evidence: Files containing training schedules, agendas, sign-in sheets.


LRPT Correlates: EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, LAS05, LAS06, LAS08, LAS09, LAS10, LAS11, TL07, TL15, TL16

Strategy 4.2.3: Provide staff development and training in the use of the GradeSpeed Lesson Plan Module.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, No Child Left Behind Facilitator, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Administrators

Evidence: Completed lesson plans stored on the GradeSpeed server.


LRPT Correlates: EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP09, LAS01, LAS05, LAS06, LAS08, TL05, TL07, TL08, TL16

Strategy 4.2.4: Make parent access accounts available and provide training for parental use of the GradeSpeed online grading and attendance reporting system.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Attendance Clerks

Evidence: File copies of training schedules and dates, agendas, sign-in sheets.


LRPT Correlates: LAS11, TL15

Objective 4.3: Continue to support the PDA-based assessment and management of the Texas Primary Reading Inventory.

Budget for this objective: $30,000.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 01 02 05 06 07

Strategy 4.3.1: Collect, recharge, and reload TPRI software in handheld devices.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By August 31, 2008.

Person(s) Responsible: Elementary Curriculum Director, Campus No Child Left Behind Facilitators, Campus Technology Coordinators, Campus Teachers

Evidence: All handheld devices are ready to use.

Comments: Texas Primary Reading Inventory has handheld devices charged, and synced to their desktop computers for transmission and update information.

LRPT Correlates: I09, LAS01, LAS03, LAS05, LAS08, TL04, TL05, TL07

Strategy 4.3.2: Provide on-going technical support for teachers using the handheld TPRI assessment.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - May, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Elementary Campus Technology Coordinators, Elementary No Child Left Behind Facilitators, Region XX Support Staff

Evidence: Technology service database records.

Comments: Technology Department services, updates, and configures new and old handheld devices.

LRPT Correlates: I01, I09, LAS01, LAS02, LAS10, TL04

Objective 4.4: Continue to support use of electronic lesson planning forms, PDAS, TSR, AEIS-IT, ITCCS, and locally-developed records-management databases.

Budget for this objective: $9,782.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 04b 06 07 12

Strategy 4.4.1: Review/revise existing forms, campus improvement planning forms, discipline management databases, mileage databases, and inventory databases.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By August 15, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: District Database Manager

Evidence: Planning forms, and databases installed and in use.


LRPT Correlates: EP08, LAS01, LAS05, LAS08, TL14

Strategy 4.4.2: Assist campus data clerks with the use of web-based student information management (ITCCS).

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Database Manager

Evidence: Technology service database records.


LRPT Correlates: LAS01, LAS08

Strategy 4.4.3: Revise and update Curriculum Alignment and Assessment Project databases for use in ECISD benchmark testing program.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By August 15, 2008.

Person(s) Responsible: District Database Manager

Evidence: Revised CAAP databases ready for data entry.


LRPT Correlates: LAS01, LAS05, LAS08

Objective 4.5: Support the district's use of the Region XX online requisition system.

Budget for this objective: $5,000.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 06 12

Strategy 4.5.1: Assist campus budget stewards with the implementation and use of the web-based finance system.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance, Finance Director, Director of Technology, Network Engineer

Evidence: Staff development sign-in sheets, telephone technical support, campus visits

Comments: Telephone technical support of online finance/purchasing system.

LRPT Correlates: LAS08

Strategy 4.5.2: Provide on-going technical support for budget stewards using the web-based finance system.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Network Manager, Director of Technology, Finance Director

Evidence: Phone and travel logs, technical support request work orders


LRPT Correlates: LAS08

Objective 4.6: Implement a system for web-based submission and storage of special education data.

Budget for this objective: $17,358.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 02 05 06 11

Strategy 4.6.1: Support the implementation of J7 special education student management system.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Special Education Director, Special Education Facilitators, Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Technology Coordinators

Evidence: Records of use of J7 on file.

Comments: Professional Services Center is using the program at all campuses for centralized records management of their Special Education students.

LRPT Correlates: LAS05, LAS08, LAS10

Strategy 4.6.2: Provide staff development and training in the use of J7.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Special Education Director, Special Education Facilitators, Instructional Technology Specialist

Evidence: Files containing training schedules, agendas, and sign-in sheets.

Comments: Special Education Support Staff has participated in staff development of Campus Facilitators.

LRPT Correlates: LAS06, LAS08, LAS10

Objective 4.7: Implement a system for web-based submission and review of school board agendas items.

Budget for this objective: $7,500.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 05 06 09 12

Strategy 4.7.1: Support the implementation of BoardBook web-based documentation system.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Superintendent, Coordinator of Executive Services, Superintendent's Secretary, Curriculum Secretarial Staff, Finance Secretarial Staff, Director of Technology, Technicians, Network Engineer.

Evidence: Records of use of BoardBook on file.

Comments: District Administrators have access to online, phone, and email technical support.

LRPT Correlates: LAS08, LAS09, LAS13

Strategy 4.7.2: Provide staff development and training in the use of BoardBook.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Superintendent's Secretary

Evidence: File copies of training schedules and dates, agendas, sign-in sheets.

Comments: Superintendent support staff has been certified to be a Train of Trainers.

LRPT Correlates: LAS08

Goal 5: Expand community access to school information through technology.

Objective 5.1: Continue to provide campus-based web pages.

Budget for this objective: $30,000.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates: 03 08 09 12

Strategy 5.1.1: Provide ongoing training in web page construction to campus webmasters.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist

Evidence: Web pages online.

Comments: The District Technology Specialist serves as District Web Master.

LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP04, EP09, I01, I02, I03, I05, I08, I09, LAS05, LAS06, LAS07, LAS08, LAS09, LAS10, TL10, TL12, TL14, TL15, TL16

Strategy 5.1.2: Provide training to classroom teachers for development of classroom-based web pages.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Campus Webmasters

Evidence: Classroom web pages on line

Comments: See sample, Appendix B.

LRPT Correlates: EP01, EP02, EP04, EP05, EP08, EP09, I01, I08, TL08, TL14, TL15, TL16

Objective 5.2: Provide access to continuing education resources on district web site.

Budget for this objective: $10,000.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01

NCLB Correlates: 09 10 12

Strategy 5.2.1: Provide current schedules and class information on Continuing Education web site.

State: Revised

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: District Technology Specialist

Evidence: Web pages published online.


LRPT Correlates: TL14, TL15

Strategy 5.2.2: Provide training to parents and community members on resources and services available in the community.

State: Revised

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Community Education Staff

Evidence: Class rosters, sign in sheets on record

Comments: Community Ed. offers GED, and computer skills classes throughout the year.

LRPT Correlates: TL14, TL15

Objective 5.3: Provide community access to district resources for Internet access and e-mail service.

Budget for this objective: $10,000.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01

NCLB Correlates: 09 10

Strategy 5.3.1: Develop written guidelines for public access to Internet resources in school libraries and computer labs.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By September 30, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Director of Technology , Network Engineer

Evidence: Copy of guideline document.

Comments: Will include instructions for patrons using district resources when facilities are open after or during school hours. All students using technology resources will require a signed Acceptable Use Policy Agreement.

LRPT Correlates: TL08, TL10, TL14, TL15

Strategy 5.3.2: Disseminate information regarding the availability of public access to the Internet within district facilities.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Specialist, Public Information Officer

Evidence: Links on district web pages and articles published in district quarterly newsletter.

Comments: Updating News and Events posted on district website.

LRPT Correlates: LAS09, LAS13, TL14, TL15

Objective 5.4: Add functionality to ECISD email services to include listserv access to district information.

Budget for this objective: $10,000.00

LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning

E-Rate Correlates: ER01

NCLB Correlates: 09

Strategy 5.4.1: Identify content areas for public information dissemination.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By September 30, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: District Public Relations Coordinator

Evidence: List of documents for public dissemination on file.


LRPT Correlates: TL15

Strategy 5.4.2: Support and provide information for the "Key Communicators" listserv.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Superintendent's Secretary, Public Relations Coordinator, Instructional Technology Specialist

Evidence: Electronically-generated activity logs.

Comments: Community members subscribe to the "Key Communicators" email listserv and are periodically updated on district news and events.

LRPT Correlates: TL15

Goal 6: Provide up to date technology equipment to all East Central students and staff.

Objective 6.1: Purchase new technology equipment.

Budget for this objective: $232,758.04

LRPT Category: Infrastructure for Technology

E-Rate Correlates:

NCLB Correlates: 03 05

Strategy 6.1.1: Solicit orders from local campuses for new equipment, using budgets based on state technology allotment.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By September 30, 2008.

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Campus Principals, Campus Technology Coordinators

Evidence: Orders on file.

Comments: On-line finance purchasing process is incorporated through Region 20.

LRPT Correlates: I01, I03, I05, I09

Strategy 6.1.2: Complete requisitions and purchase orders for requested equipment.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: September - October, 2008.

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology

Evidence: Requisitions and PO's on file.

Comments: On-line finance purchasing process is incorporated through Region 20.

LRPT Correlates: I01, I05, I09

Strategy 6.1.3: Install new equipment.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Technology Technicians

Evidence: Delivery logs or technology equipment in place.

Comments: Delivery of items at the campus level is taken by Campus Technology Coordinator.

LRPT Correlates: I01, I05, I09

Strategy 6.1.4: Repurpose or delete equipment replaced with new equipment.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Technology Technicians, Assistant Superintendet for Business and Operations

Evidence: Technician activity logs, or deletion forms.

Comments: Replacement schedules has district standards to repurpose equipment.

LRPT Correlates: I01, I03, I07

Objective 6.2: Maintain existing equipment.

Budget for this objective: $161,823.00

LRPT Category: Infrastructure for Technology

E-Rate Correlates: ER01

NCLB Correlates: 05

Strategy 6.2.1: Maintain service ticket system for timely service and repair of technology equipment.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Technology Technicians

Evidence: Electronic service ticket system.

Comments: Online database record management is being used to capture equipment service records.

LRPT Correlates: I01, I05, I09

Strategy 6.2.2: Implement Sophos anti-virus and spam filter.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Network Engineer

Evidence: Reduced spam email and viruses.

Comments: Sophos will significantly protect all district computers from spam and viruses.

LRPT Correlates: I01, I05, I09

Strategy 6.2.3: Recycle obsolete technology equipment.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Technology Secretary, Technology Technicians, Warehouse Supervisor

Evidence: Inventory records of deleted items.

Comments: Format all hard-drives before recycling obsolete technology equipment.

LRPT Correlates: I07

Goal 7: Provide robust Internet access and LAN/WAN services to students and staff.

Objective 7.1: Upgrade Internet and WAN bandwidth.

Budget for this objective: $171,666.00

LRPT Category: Infrastructure for Technology

E-Rate Correlates: ER01

NCLB Correlates: 05

Strategy 7.1.1: Upgrade existing Internet connection from 6 MB to 10 MB.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By September 30, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: Associate Superintendent for Business and Finance, Network Engineer, Director of Technology

Evidence: 10 MB circuit in place.


LRPT Correlates: I01, I02, I03, I06, I09

Strategy 7.1.2: Install Customize Switched Metro Ethernet system to increase WAN connections 1.54 MB to 1 Gig.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By January 30, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Network Engineer, Director of Technology

Evidence: CSME installed and operating successfully.


LRPT Correlates: I01, I03, I05, I06

Objective 7.2: Upgrade existing network switches, routers and classroom network drops.

Budget for this objective: $107,304.96

LRPT Category: Infrastructure for Technology

E-Rate Correlates: ER01

NCLB Correlates: 05

Strategy 7.2.1: Update status reports for all district network hardware.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By July 31, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Network Engineer

Evidence: Written report.


LRPT Correlates: I01, I06, I09

Strategy 7.2.2: Purchase and install additional network hardware.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Network Engineer

Evidence: Purchase orders, work logs.


LRPT Correlates: I01, I06, I09

Strategy 7.2.3: Install additional network drops in each classroom.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: On-going: August, 2008 - July, 2009

Person(s) Responsible: Network Engineer

Evidence: Orders, work logs.


LRPT Correlates: I01, I06, I09

Objective 7.3: Establish and support a disaster recovery program for all district electronic data.

Budget for this objective: $93,310.00

LRPT Category: Leadership, Administration and Support

E-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02

NCLB Correlates:

Strategy 7.3.1: Assess the district's current capacity to recover all electronic data.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: August, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Network Engineer

Evidence: Written plan

Comments: Coordinating with Region 20 Service Center to acquire a written plan for adoption.

LRPT Correlates: LAS14

Strategy 7.3.2: Develop and implement a comprehensive plan for recovery of all district electronic data.

State: Original

Status: In Progress

Timeline: By September, 2008

Person(s) Responsible: Director of Technology, Network Engineer

Evidence: Documentation of disaster recovery plan.

Comments: The plan will include all hardware, software and staffing needs. Coordinating with Region 20 Service Center to acquire a written plan for adoption.

LRPT Correlates: LAS14


Total amount of Title II, Part D formula funds received for the current year of this plan: $17,061.00

Method of application for formula funds: Local Application

Budget for year 2008

- Telecom cost: $135,036.00

- Telecom source: Local 27%

ERate 73%

- Materials cost: $107,710.00

- Materials source: Local 46%

State Allotment 46%

Title II, Part D 8%

- Equipment cost: $833,880.00

- Equipment source: Local 72%

State Allotment 20%

Title II, Part D 1%

Other Federal 7%

- Maintenance cost: $177,924.00

- Maintenance source: Local 100%

- Staff development cost: $325,474.00

- Staff development source: Local 98%

Title II, Part D 2%

- Miscellaneous cost: $140,586.00

- Miscellaneous source: Local 100%

- Total: $1,720,610.00


Evaluation Process:

The East Central Technology Plan for 2008-2009 will be reviewed at least quarterly at regularly-scheduled meetings for the Technology Advisory/planning Committee.

The technology staff will be responsible for ensuring completion of individual items in the plan, and will monitor every aspect of its implementation on an ongoing basis.

Progress reports will be disseminated at periodic staff meetings with district instructional supervisors and curriculum directors in addition to being summarized on district web pages.

Updates to the plan will be done as needed, based on review of the progress in implementing each strategy.

Evaluation Method:

The extent to which we are successful in integrating technology into the curriculum will be assessed primarily through classroom observation and surveys of both teachers and students.

Teachers will be surveyed to determine the extent to which strategies included in the technology plan have increased their ability to help students reach challenging state academic standards. State assessment results will be monitored as they relate to strategies in several areas of the plan. Students enrolled in the ECHS Digital Campus will be followed each year until graduation. Their test results will be compared with students in the regular program.

The extent to which enhanced telecommunications services have been acquired and how will timelines have been met will be monitored through standard time/effort logs and activity reports. APPENDIX

Attachment item A:

ECISD Acceptable Use Policy is located in Student Handbooks

Attachment item B:

Sample of school/department web page.

Attachment item C:

Samples of on-line learning units.