Tithe Map 1841

Tithe Commissioner's Map 1841

A hand traced extract of the Easton, Portland area showing the fields and windmills south of the village.

Map drawn by John Tapperell, (Apportionment 7th November 1839; Map 1841) surveyor based on an earlier map of 1827. (extract DCRO RC 1996)

Individual strips of land were known as lawns, divided from one another by unploughed turf called lawnsheds.The common balks or grass tracks were known as ways.

Portland Tithes were paid in kind right up to the Tithe Act of 1836. The Enclosure Acts (1720-1740) had removed common fields almost everywhere else in England. In addition, the surviving custom of shared inheritance further subdivided the individual lawns. The individual tenants retained their (often part shares) of various lawns mainly due to the high potential value of the Portland Stone under them.

Portland Tithe Apportionment Map 1841 - Land surrounding Windmills

Plot No Landowner Occupier Plot Name Cultivation Size (acres / perches ?)

1330 Benjamin Gibbs Edward Lowman Above Coombe arable 3 0

1331 William Gibbs Self Lower Perry arable 3 0

1332 Mary Moore Jonathan Lane Growlands arable 1 36

1333 Martha Way Edw Lowman/others Growlands arable 1 10

1334 Edward Pearce Self Mill (south) 2 0

1335 William Gibbs Self Growlands arable 1 1 35

1336 Abel Pearce Self Growlands arable 1 0 2

1337 Robert Rod Self Growlands arable 2 2

1364 Simon Pearce Thomas Lane Grammers Land arable 2 20

1365 Roper Weston Jonathan Lane Grammers Land (not given) 2 20

1366 William Lake Self Grammers Land arable 1 20

1367 Richard Cook Self Grammers Land arable 2 20

1368 Rebecca Pearce Richard Winter Grammers Land arable 2 23

1369 Jonathan Andrews Self Grammers Land arable 2 30

1370 Sam Penny & Geo Light Edward Pearce Grammers Land arable 2 20

1371 Philp Durant Attwool Abel Pearce Grammers Land arable 1 0 0

1372 John Stevens Self 'Between Mills arable 1 3

1373 Richard Lane Thomas Lane 'Between Mills arable 1 3

1374 Benjamin Pearce Self Hogscroft (not given) 1 35

1375 Abel Pearce Self Hogscroft arable 1 26

1376 James Mabey Edward Pearce 'Between Mills arable 3 5

1377 Hansfod/W.Pearce/Comben Selves 'Between Mills arable 3 5

1378 Hansfod/W.Pearce/Comben Selves 'Between Mills arable 1 10

1379 Shadrack Stone Self 'Between Mills arable 1 25

1380 Jane Pearce Edward Pearce Mill (north) 1 5

1381 William Pearce Self Greenhill arable 2 16

1382 Abel Pearce Self Greenhill arable 2 16

1383 Jonathan Comben Self Greenhill arable 2 11

1384 Mary Moore Richard Moore Greenhill arable 3 5

1385 Catherine Way Edward Attwool Greenhill arable 2 5

1396 William Bayley Edward Attwool Hogscroft arable 1 0 0

1397 Joseph Read John Ayles Attwool Hogscroft arable 2 10

1398 Joseph Read John Ayles Attwool Hogscroft arable 2 10

1404 Benjamin Pearce Self Droopfield arable 1 28

1405 Benjamin Pearce Self Droopfield arable 2 12

1474 Mary Moore John Pearce Hayland arable 1 1 3

1475 Robert Pearce Self Haylands arable 2 34

Notes : The words "north" & "south" do not appear in original against ref 1334 & 1380.

South mill named Angel mill on earlier 1827 map. (extract DCRO RC 1996)

Extract from Portland Tithe Map 1841

John Tapperell Dorset CRO Ref T/PTD