Portland Verne Prison


O.S Grid Reference SY 695 735 [Lat 50.5604 - Long -2.4319]

Nearest contour height 130m (Verne Prison)

Topography Good exposed site !!


Earliest Dating Windpump - Built in 1914


Documents Portland Water Company records


Early maps

Ogilby 1675

Taylor 1765

Tithe Map (c1840)

1st Edition OS map

Present OS map

Google Maps

The windmill A water pump

The Millers n/a

Present site condition Demoilished when ??

Notes and comments:

A windmill was used for pumping water by Portland Water Authority at the Verne Prison Citadel. In July 1914, records[1] show the details of the erection of a windmill pump at the Verne Citadel & arguments in favour. Less than a year later in February 1915, there are records of new parts being fitted and adjustments made. The lifespan of this windpump is not known.

[1] CRO - Mill Index - All from Portland Water Authority Minute Books - BW/B3, B4)