Muggeridge Collection Photographs (1938)

The University of Kent has very kindly agreed (Jan 2017) that I can display the seven photographs of Dorset windmills from their ‘Muggeridge Collection, Special Collections & Archives, University of Kent’ on this website.

The collection of photographs were taken from early in the C20th by father and son William Burrell Muggeridge (1884-1978) and Donald Muggeridge with some also taken by Nora Muggeridge (possibly Donald's wife and who may be the lady in the first photograph).

Here is a link to the Kent university website : -

The photographs were all taken all taken August 1938 : (NB : On the website, their east mill is the North one and their West is the South one)

1) This photograph is of the North Mill when some of the neck bearing timbers and kerb still existed. Taken by William Burrell Muggeridge on 1st August 1938

2) This photograph is of the North Mill when some of the neck bearing timbers and kerb still existed. Taken by Nora Muggeridge on 1st August 1938

3) This photograph is of the South Mill when some of the timber kerbs still existed. It almost looks as if the tower has been heightened by about 1.5m ? The North mill can be seen in the background. Taken by Nora Muggeridge on 1st August 1938

4) This photograph is of the South Mill when some of the timber kerbs still existed. Taken by Donald Muggeridge on 6th August 1938

5) This photograph is of the North Mill when some of the timber kerbs still existed. Taken by Donald Muggeridge on 6th August 1938

6 & 7) These last photographs are of the North Mill showing a large opening (not original - at right angles to the line of the two doorways) blocked up. This opening has since opened out much further causing structural concerns for this tower. Taken by William Burrell Muggeridge on 1st August 1938