Fontmell Magna

Parish Fontmell Magna

O.S Grid Reference ST 889 182 [Lat 50.9630 - Long -2.1594]

Nearest contour height 130m

Topography Mound on slope near summit of an escarpment


Earliest Dating

Records RCHM Vol 4 p27 (item 37) notes mound (see below)



Early maps

Ogilby 1675

Taylor 1765

Tithe Map (c1840)

1st Edition OS map

Present OS map

Google Maps :

The Windmill

The Millers None known

Present site condition A possible site spotted the writer (RC) !

Notes and comments RCHM lists a mound at the above grid reference in Gore Wood near the Ashmore parish boundary. It is noted as perhaps being a barrow. The mould lies at 750 feet above OD on a gentle west slope near the escarpment summit and is described as having a diameter of 12 feet and a height of 1 foot.

It is separated by a 9 foot berm from an encircling bank 7 feet wide and less than 1 foot high. Beyond the bank is a ditch 8 feet wide & less than 1 foot deep. RCHM Vol 4 p27 (item 37) - RC saw this - needs checking !!

1782 - 2nd September : William White, miller, Fontmell Magna, Dorset deceased (Source : Salisbury Journal Sept 1782)

1788 - 29th September : Sale of Fontmell Magna mill. William Alexander deceased (Source : ditto)