
Parish Shaston Holy Trinity

O.S Grid Reference ST 868 237 [Lat 51.0124 - Long -2.1895]

Nearest contour height 229m

Topography The whole town is elevated


Earliest Dating

Records Tithe Map 1845



Early maps

Ogilby 1675

Taylor 1765

Tithe Map United parishes of Shaston Holy Trinity 1845/6

Plot 628 - Windmill Close

Owner : Marquis of Westminster; occupier : William Clements

1st Edition OS map

Present OS map

Google Maps

The Windmill

The Millers : In his will dated 31st July 1582, Thomas Davidge bequeathed to his son John Davidge .... a house...with a mill .. lying in Shaston (Shaftesbury) in Mill Lane

(Davidge wills listed in Buckhorn Weston OPC - information sent by Alan Spencer Jan 2012)

Present site condition

Notes and comments : The present day street name Windmill Close in the town takes its name from a former place name Windmill Close[1] to the west of Heath Farm and the town itself. This is recorded (ref 628) in the Tithe Award & map for the United Parishes of Shaston Holy Trinity in 1845/6.

It is difficult to ascertain if this site is the windmill shown at the top of Aldwell's 1618 Cranborne Chase map - or whether nearby Motcombe is the one shown ????

[1] Mills AD, Place Names of Dorset Part III.