Glanvilles Wooton

Parish Glanvilles Wooton

O.S Grid Reference ST 680 085 -village [Lat 50.8750 - Long -2.4562]

Nearest contour height 107/130m


Archaeology None known

Earliest Dating 1696 deed - but mill probably much earlier





Early maps

Ogilby 1675

Taylor 1765

Tithe Map (c1840)

1st Edition OS map

Present OS map

Google Maps

The windmill

The Millers See note below regarding Glanville family

Present site condition

Notes and comments

Although not appearing on the C19th TA, a deed of 1696 (at CRO) refers to one close of pasture called Windmill Hill as being in this parish. Certainly the village is on the higher ground of the district (about 5 miles south east of Sherborne) and there would appear to be several suitable sites.

Ranulf Glanville (d.1190) was justiciar during the last nine years of Henry II's reign. His large and very complex family were great early windmill promoters[1] elsewhere in England. It is a possibility that this windmill dates from these early times.

[1] Kealy, Edward J. Harvesting the Air - p240