Gazetteer of Windmill sites in Dorset

General Format of the Gazetteer Pages

Parish The Dorset parish in which the mill is located or conjurectally

thought to have been sited in the past.

O.S Grid Reference The UK Ordinance Survey (OS) grid reference

Grid references are normally 6 (or 8) digit numbers with a 2 letter prefix = Grid letters

The "easting" (vertical lines) is the first 3 (or 4) numbers & the "northing" (horizontal lines) the last 3 (or 4).

Bold faced OS references have been used where the locations are certain otherwise italics have been used where exact locations are not known (ie conjectural)

Latitude / Longitude : These co-ordinates are in [ ] brackets and in decimal notation.

Nearest contour height Height in metres above sea level (UK O.S. mapping system)

Topography Terrain of site and potential for a good windmill location

Archaeology Any known archaeological evidence from excavation or cropmarks

Earliest Dating Date of earliest evidence of mill - often conjurectural = (?)

Records References to historical references with dates

(full details in notes and comments section)

Documents References to actual historical documents (deeds, wills or land

transactions relating to the site or windmill itself.

(full details in notes and comments section)

Maps (see map and mapmakers for background information)

Early maps References to any naming or map symbols on early Dorset maps

Ogilby 1675 Extract and references to John Ogilby's famous Brittannia road atlas of 1675

Taylor 1765 Extract and references to Isaac Taylor's map of Dorset of 1765

Tithe Map (c1840) Extract and reference to Tithe Apportionment of 1840/1

1st Edition OS map Extract and reference to 1st edition of UK O.S. map of 180 ...

Present OS map Extract and reference to present day UK O.S. map

Google Map Interactive Google map which shows overall location and has several useful views including terrain

The windmill Name and type of windmill if known

The Millers Names and dates of millers if known

Present site condition Comment on present site if applicable or known.

Notes and comments General comments and historical notes relating to site.

footnotes : Number referenced footnotes in text above citing source of records

or further information relating to particular comment or fact.