Buckhorn Weston

Parish Buckhorn Weston

O.S Grid Reference Shave Hill ? (ST 760 251) [Lat 51.0247 - Long -2.3436]

Nearest contour height 80/100m

Topography Area to NE of village appears good (Shave Hill area)

Archaeology None known

Earliest Dating 1266

Records Curia Regis Rolls (see below)



Early maps

Ogilby 1675

Taylor 1765 (below) "Post" shown below as placename but not in a likely site

Tithe Map (c1840) Higher Mount fieldname shown to E of village

1st Edition OS map

Present OS map

The Shave Hill area (highlighted) would appear to be a natural site for a windmill in this area

Google Map

The Windmill Almost certainly a post mill due to early date.

The Millers No records found

Present site condition Site location uncertain

Notes and comments : This village, just to the south east of the county border to the west of Gillingham, is the site of the earliest known record of a windmill in Dorset.

10 Dorset - Muriella who was wife of Emericus del Orcherd V Galfrid de Maundervill on a plea of 1/3rd part of 1 virgate land and 1/4th part of one windmill in Weston which she claims as her dower. He did not come to Trinity in 3 weeks.

Michaelmas 50/51 Henry III 1266/71.

At this very early date (1266/7), the mill will have certainly been a post mill possibly with a simple peg and strut base. The village is recorded as Westone in early times with the surrounding lands being enclosed prior to 1641.

Isaac Taylor's 1765 map of Dorset interestingly has the word post to the south west of the village which could refer to an old mill post. However the village is at the foot of a limestone escarpment some 300/400 feet above sea level and the area now named Shave Hill on the higher ground to the north east of the village seems an ideal windmill site.

There are no references to any windmill place names on the C19th Tithe Apportionments with one plot on the TA map to the east of the village being named Higher Mount . A water Mill named Bye Mill was located just south of the village on Filly Brook.

1 Dorset Records (DCM E2) Curia Regis Rolls 1236 1272, Roll 176