Sandford Orcas

Parish Sandford Orcas

O.S Grid Reference ST 625 218 [Lat 50.9943 - Long -2.5357]

Nearest contour height 107m

Topography Good - on south facing side of Corton Ridge


Earliest Dating




Early maps

Ogilby 1675

Taylor 1765

Tithe Map Sandford Orcas 1837

Plot 292 = Knoll and Windmill (pasture)

Owner - James Gifford; occupier - John Hutchings

1st Edition OS map

Present OS map : 1:50,000 edition

Google Maps :

The Windmill

The Millers

Present site condition

Notes and comments

Formerly in Somerset but now in Dorset near the Somerset border to the north of Sherborne, this village lies in a small dale.

The windmill site is on the southern end of Corton Ridge which runs north/south to the north of the village itself. A field name Knoll & Windmill is shown on the 1837 Tithe map (Ref 292) whilst Windmill Hill[1] is shown on the current 1:50000 OS map.

This site lies within the former windmilling area of south Somerset where windmills were quite numerous during early times.

[1] Coulthard & Watts Windmills of Somerset 1978 p58