Dorset & Portland Windmill

Bibliography & Sources

Bettey J H, "The Island and Royal Manor of Portland" Sherren & Son Ltd, Weymouth (1970)

Bond, C.J. "Medieval Windmills in South-Western England", Occasional publication, Windmill & Watermill Section The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) (1995)

Bone, M "Dorset Windmills", Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries [SDNQ] Vol 31 (March 1980) pp 11-18

(plus D Hawkins SDNQ Sept 1980, 33 p74-75 + M Bone SDNQ March 1985, 247

Dewar, H.S.L., "Windmills, Watermills and Horsemills of Dorset", Proceedings Dorset Natural History & Archaeology Society [DNHAS] Vol 82 (1960).

Dorset Environmental Records Centre, "A gazetteer of Dorset Place-Names" Dorset CC (compiler Shuttleworth B.M.) (1984 and supplement publication 1998).

Dorset History Centre (formerly DCRO, Dorchester, Dorset) : Mills index listings & Tithe maps.

Dorset Museum (formerly Dorchester Museum DNHAS) : Mills index listing

Edwards, Jean "Old Portland" Dorset Publishing Company (1983)

Good, R. "The Old Roads of Dorset", H G Commin Ltd (1940 + reprint 1966)

Good, R. "The Lost Villages of Dorset", Dovecote Press, (1979).

Greenwich Maritime Museum : William Simplon map (1626)

Grinsell L V "Dorset Barrows" DNHAS (1959) + Dorset Barrows Supplement DNHAS (1982)

Hackman, Gill. "Stone to build London" Folly Books Ltd (2014)

Hutchins, J "History & Antiquities of the County of Dorset" (reprint 1973)

Kealey, E.J., "Harvesting the Air - Windmill Pioneers in C12th England", Boydell Press (1987)

Legg, Rodney, "Portland Encyclopaedia" Dorset Publishing Company (1999)

Mills, A.D., "Dorset Placenames - Their Orgins and Meanings" R Gasson Associates (1986)

Mill Archive Website (UK)

Morris, Stuart., Portland - An Illustrated History Dovecote Press (1985)

Morris, Stuart., Portland Camera Dovecote Press (1990)

Otter, Elizabeth "A Southwell Maid's Diary" [1866] Portland Souvenir Mag (1971)

RCHM (England) "An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Dorset", All Volumes HMSO (1970)

Salmon J "Note on Early Tower Windmills" Journal of Archaeological Association Vol 66 UK p75 (1966)

TIMS Publications & website (various) - International Molinological Society (the writer is a member)

Traskey, J P "Milton Abbey", Compton Press (1978)

Wailes, Rex, "The English Windmill" , Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd London (1954)

Watts, M. "The Use of Millwrighting Techniques as a guide to dating Windmills and Watermills", Windmill & Watermill Section The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) (Feb 1994)

Watts,M. "The Archaeology of Mills and Milling" Tempus Publishing Ltd, (2002)

Watts, M. "The small tower mills of the British Isles" International Molinological Society (TIMS) Transactions

Turner L of the 4th Symposium, Matlock, UK 1977 p55-74

Way, M.J "The Windmills, Watermills & Horsemills of Dorset" (two unpublished papers in Dorset County Museum, Dorchester - DNHAS) (1959) Relationship to Dewar's paper (see above) ?

Weymouth, Dorchester & Portland Public Libraries : Reference sections (now sadly amended). Many mill references, maps & photographs.

Windmill World website