Langton Matravers (2)

Parish Langton Matravers

O.S Grid Reference SZ 0090 7894 [Lat 50.6097 - Long -1.9886]

Nearest contour height 45m

Topography mound on hill summit - approx 20 m dia


Earliest Dating


Documents Possible site suggested by RCHM


Early maps

Ogilby 1675

Taylor 1765

Tithe Map (c1840) No place/field names

1st Edition OS map

Present OS map

Google Map :

The Windmill

The Millers None known

Present site condition

Notes and comments : The RCHM records[1] evidence of a possible second windmill in this area with a mound having a slightly concave flat top some 68 feet in diameter with a former height of 3 feet on the summit of Coombe Hill at the grid reference noted above. It also notes a ditch 10 feet wide and 1 foot deep broken by a causeway.

[1] RCHM II Part 3 p482.