Poole - Parkstone

Parish Parkstone St Peter

O.S Grid Reference approx SZ 033 907 [Lat 50.7159 - Long -1.9546]

Nearest contour height 5 -10m



Earliest Dating C18th




Early maps

Ogilby 1675

Plate 97 - The Road from London to Pool in the county Dorfet

<< shows a windmill near marshy ground on the south side of the road about 1 1/3 miles <<< from Poole

Taylor 1765

Tithe Map (c1840)

1st Edition OS map

Present OS map

Google Maps

The Windmill

The Millers None known

Present site condition

Notes and comments

Taylor's map of 1765 shows Parkston mill as a watermill (the later 1st edition 1" OS map names this same site as Iron Mills). The Canford TA also tends to suggest a watermill : Wood & pond (ref 366) and House Mill & garden (ref 367).

However J Ogilby's earlier London - Poole road map of 1675 (plate No 97) clearly shows a windmill near marshy ground on the south side of the road about 1 1/3 miles from Poole. The site is detailed further in a book Poole Bay & Purbeck [1] which concludes that the site was occupied by a windmill.

[1] Cochrane C, Poole Bay & Purbeck, 2, 1660-1920, 1971, p22-24.