Portland Maps

1539 : Map by Sir John Russell

1594 - Map by John Adams of Weymouth & Portland

Unfortunately, these two fantastic early maps do not show any mills either on Portland or in Weymouth.

1626 - William Simplon's map

The earliest known map showing the two windmills.

1693 : Capt Granville Collins "Coasting Pilot" of 1693 (English version)

1710 - A well known map of Portland from Hutchins Dorset

1729 - Sea Chart of Portland area - interesting to see that although shown, the windmills were not used as navigation landmarks.

1745 - Roper's map of Portland

1765 - Isaac Taylor's map

late C18th ?? - Extract of map made after Capt Collins (1695) DCRO Ref M12 ??

1800 - an extract from Steward's map of Portland (Portland Museum)

1855 - "Birdseye" view of Weymouth and Portland c 1855 - windmills shown and also the Portland Breakwater under construction.

1864 - O.S. map extract

1892 : Lilley's Map of Portland

1947 - RAF Aerial photograph

2021 - Current map Dorset Explorer