UN Cluster Approach

The Cluster Approach is the generic term used to describe how an emergency response is organised to minimise gaps and maximise effectiveness of the humanitarian response through different organisations working with each other under strong leadership.

The cluster approach attempts to do this by: (i) ensuring sufficient global capacity is available in all sectors or areas of need; (ii) ensuring there is predictable leadership in these areas that will improve collaboration; (iii) promoting the concept of partnership between all actors involved; (iv) strengthening accountability to both those in need and the global community; and finally (v) improving strategic field-level coordination and prioritisation by putting this responsibility in the hands of a competent and credible agency.

The Cluster Approach is coordinated through the Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP), the primary mechanism by which the humanitarian sector appeals for funds from governments and donors in the collective coordination, planning, monitoring and consolidatation of their programmes and activities.

The clusters are:

  • Logistics (WFP);

  • Shelter and Non-Food Items (IFRC);

  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (UNICEF);

  • Health (PAHO/WHO);

  • Food (WFP);

  • Early Recovery (UNDP);

  • Camp Coordination and Camp Management (IOM);

  • Nutrition (UNICEF);

  • Protection (OHCHR);

  • Agriculture (FAO);

  • Education (UNICEF); and

  • Emergency Telecommunications (WFP).

Note: The designated lead agency for each cluster is identified in parentheses.


The following definitions were agreed by the IASC Working Group:

GLOBAl CLUSTER LEAD AGENCIES: this is an agency/organization at global level that has been designated by the IASC as cluster lead agency for a particular sector.

CLUSTER LEAD AGENCY (Country Level): this is an agency or organization that has been designated by the Resident and/or Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC) as cluster lead agency for a particular sector at the country level, following consultations with the Humanitarian Country Team. (A cluster lead agency at the country level need not necessarily be the same agency/organization as the Global Cluster Lead Agency for that sector).

GLOBAL CLUSTER COORDINATOR: This is a person who has been designated as global cluster coordinator by the Global Cluster Lead Agency. This person is responsible for the day-to-day coordination and facilitation of the work of global cluster.

CLUSTER COORDINATOR (Country Level): this is a person who has been designate as cluster coordinator by the cluster lead agency at the country level. This person is responsible for the day-to-day coordination and facilitation of the work of the cluster.