MBSAR Great Course!

Post date: Jun 06, 2011 12:20:2 PM

"Everyone attending the Mountain Bike Search and Rescue course enjoyed themselves and learned lots."

That was the summary review of all the experienced candidates who attending the training and certification course which combines Mountain Bike Skills with Search and Rescue Skills. Combining rural / wilderness and urban / town riding and search and rescue the course was non-stop from the moment it started. The Instructors who taught different components off the course were Gary Foo, Martin Nash and Robert Bradley.

Nick Mills of Essex Search and Rescue said that it was "....The most thorough course... Highly recomended..."

Steve Wigley of Purple Mountain said it was an "...Excellent informative course with passionate and highly knowlageable instructors...."

and Dan Turner of ERT Search and Rescue said "Great course!! If you want to learn an effective and practical way to do SAR on a Mountain Bike...Get on this course!"

A brief write up on the course was put up on the ERT SEARCH AND RESCUE website here.

For more information and further upcoming courses at Operator, Tecnician and Instructor Level go to:
