Civil Defence

Civil Defence plays a vital role in the Disaster Manager and Disaster Risk Reduction programmes in many countries.

The Emergency Services, like Police, Fire and Rescue and Ambulance or Medical First Responders, are often grouped by some counties under the term Civil Defence (Civil Defense).

In fact it Civil Defence is a very established and historic institution and in many countries - it is a highly effective and well supported group of departments responsible for all these areas - such as Policing, security, Fire and Rescue and Medical or Ambulance response.

You often hear the term “Civil Defence” but it can often be synonymous with other terms. These include but are not limited to:

  • Civil Protection

  • Civil Contingencies

  • Comprehensive Emergency Management

  • Contingency Planning

  • Crisis Management

  • Emergency Services

  • Emergency Management

  • Emergency Response

  • Emergency Measures

  • Emergency Preparedness

    • Disaster Response and so forth.

Civil Defence often comes under a Government's Ministry of the Interior if a government team but there are also NGO (Non Government Organisation) teams established around the world. It was previous very commonly associated with the World wars / Cold War responses but programmes have been updated and includes a lot of 'Natural Hazard' response and not just 'Man-Made.'

The Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law applicable in armed conflicts, held from 1974 to 1977, inscribed the role of Civil Protection in Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions and thus gave Civil Protection organisations a status which ensured them protection in the accomplishment of their tasks and a distinct identification symbol opposite. It is a protected symbol - like the waving of the "white flag" - for surrender.


We consult to many teams and countries in Civil Defence and complementary activities, such as Search and Rescue or Medical Response or Community Evacuation and response. Some teams are paid Government Teams and some are unpaid volunteers and they all espouse the virtuses of helping others and saving lives.

International Symbol for Civil Defence: The international distinctive sign of civil defense, and illustrated by the BLUE triangle on an ORANGE background.

It is defined by the rules of International Humanitarian Law and to be used as a protective sign. We have met with and consulted to many different Civil Defence Teams around the world. It is one of our specialities in The Disaster Management and Response Community and we help to develop teams, their skills and ability to respond.

Pictured: Teaching Civil Defence Teams in NWFP, Pakistan

With a senior officers from the Medical division, Fire and Technical Rescue and DART (Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team) in Singapore (Civil Defence Force.)

The Singapore Civil Defence Force is a government organization and provides domestic (Singapore) and International Disaster Relief and have some 10,000 members and divisional locations all over the Singapore.

The training is second to none and they have hosted INSARAG courses for the UN and regularly attend international SAR training as well as localized training and daily deployments. They are a very highly trained, well prepared impressive professional group.

With a senior officers from the Medical division, Fire and Technical Rescue and DART (Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team) inSingapore (Civil Defence Force.)

The Singapore Civil Defence Force is a government organization and provides domestic (Singapore) and International Disaster Relief and have some 10,000 members and divisional locations all over the Singapore.

The training is second to none and they have hosted INSARAG courses for the UN and regularly attend international SAR training as well as localized training and daily deployments. They are a very highly trained, well prepared impressive professional group.

L2R: Lieutenant Janice Oh, Major Alvin Tan, Gary Foo (ERT) and Melvin (DART Commander)