Relief Web's NEW site & how to create a briefing kit

Post date: Apr 15, 2011 11:43:13 AM

We have been using Relief Web for many, many years now. They have recently updated their website.


Disaster Managers and Disaster Responders depend on a strong chain of communication which is vital in the moments following a disaster. Preparations may take time so have great resources is a must.

One of the great features they have is the ability to create a briefing kit. Here we shall explore some of this as well as provide a link to a YouTube video explaining how to use it.

The Briefing Kit is designed to equip humanitarian aid workers with a way to compile information to be read offline. In its original version, users had to configure their Briefing Kits with a search interface distinct from the rest of the site.

The new site offers an integrated approach by providing any search result as a Briefing Kit download - further simplifying the information architecture. The download not only contains reports themselves, but any PDF attachment that they contain.

Trouble seeing the video? Click on the link: