LOGO: Our Crest and Icon Explained


The Organisation is a global training academy based in the UK. However, its genesis was probably in Canada with The Police Charter, Philosopher & Warrior and Excalibur House. With influences, clients and contacts from all over the world, including the UK, Canada, The United States, Europe, Middle East, South East Asia and the Far East - The DIMERSAR ACADEMY is an international organisation that provides training and consulting.

It does also have a ‘Membership Forum’ under the aegis of the St. Michael Association (The Archangel Michael is the Patron Saint of Warriors, Protections, Police Officers, Rescuers, Medics, Para Troopers, etc.). (It also does also have some small complementary ‘Operational’ activities.)


The ICON is used a lot in reference to INDIVIDUALS as opposed to organisations, although this is not exclusively the case. Starting in the middle, the two outer circles symbolically represent a RESCUE ‘Life Buoy’ (the ring that is thrown from a ship or vessel) representing deployment and a ringed flotation device. This is also in recognition of the strong links with the water rescue community and their Marine Unit and the WATER aspect of SAR.

The circles and are also representative of the rotating blades of a helicopter as seen from above, representing the AIR aspect of SAR.

The arrows represent the 4 points of the compass, the cross of Medical Aid and the converging points of a search to locate – at “X” – marks the spot. It also represents ever-closing circles of a search (such as a RADAR Skin) to pinpoint the target. This also signifies the LAND aspect of SAR.

If one looks carefully, it is possible to see the AXES in BLUE at the end of the crosses. These represent the TECHNICAL aspect of SAR traditionally given to fire fighters and specialist rescue teams.

These ‘rings’ for the ICON of our organisation.


The overall coloured crest tends to be used more in reference to the Organisation and other organisations, as opposed to an Individual, although that's not exclusively the case - but a good rule of thumb.

The Crossed Arrows at the top represent the “Scout Reconnaissance” aspect of the specialist disciplines of DIMERSAR and operating and training to operate in unconventional environments, such as disasters and emergencies and major incidents. And as one professional SAR Commander put it, dealing with things at the ‘Sharp end!”

The Medical Caduceus ( pictured left) represents the medical and healthcare aspects. It is commonplace and seen as the symbol of Medicine by Physicians and Military Medics.

As noted in The Oxford Illustrated Companion To Medicine, "Though the caduceus has long been accepted as a device to represent medicine, it is the staff and serpent of Asklepios which have the more ancient and authentic claim to be the emblem of medicine."

So, interestingly, Medical associations are often made with this symbol when

many scholars actually say “Rod of Asclepius.” The rod of Asclepius (sometimes also spelled Asklepios or Aesculapius), also known as the asklepian, is actually the ancient symbol supposed to be associated with the Greek god Asclepius, and with medicine and healing. It consists of a serpent entwined around a staff. The name of the symbol derives from its early and widespread association with Asclepius, the son of Apollo, who was a practitioner of medicine in ancient Greek mythology.

So, DIMERSAR, recognises this commonly held belief from scholars but also note the popularity to use the Caduceus and it has perpetuated.

Also, in this case, we take the “Wings” of the top of the Caduceus to represent those of the Archangel Michael – who is commonly held as the Patron saint of Warriors, Protections, Police Officers, Rescuers, Medics, Para Troopers, etc.)

Laurel leaves used to encircle the logo. (In Greek and Roman times, laurel leaves were woven into a crown and given to outstanding citizens who performed a heroic deed. (Laurel leaves, also known as bay leaves, are infamous for their bitter, spicy taste found in many food dishes.

Not only are bay leaves traditionally used for cooking but also their medicinal value – and these represent the strong medical links.) These were switched to a Maple Leaf reflecting the UK based organisation’s strong links with Canada.

This represents the community’s courageous and virtuous spirit.

Also, the leaves of a laurel grow together on trees or large bushes – representing the esprit de corp (Team Spirit) of the organization and the team ethic of their members.

All of these aspects were put on a background of a protective shape of a shield, which in a heraldic sense, represents the 'safety and protective' aspects of SAR.

The name of the Academy is an Acronym of its capacity and Focus is on a scroll, symbolising the scholarly pursuits of the organisation and the ‘winged tips’ also those of the Angel Michael.

DiMERSAR is created from "Disaster Management, Emergency Response and Search and Rescue."

This is highlighted with the motto, “… That Others May Live….” which is common to so many rescue teams internationally and the ethos by which many more operate.

The round circle patch represents the 'Globe' implying the 'global' and 'international' response needs of the DiMERSAR community and the fact that the needs to help others, as long as there are people, will never end.

But hopefully with preparation, Mitigation and lessons learned we will reduce the need and when the need arises - the response will swift and appropriate.

The logo was designed by the founder Gary Foo.