FREE DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) CONSULTS & TRAINING RESOURCESWhen a disaster strikes, we all know that it is the local affected population and initial first responders who are there on the scene first to try to rescue victims / self-rescue themselves and provide the initial response.

We also know that a small amount of money in "Mitigation" and "Preparedness" save a lot of money (and often lives) in "Response"...

As part of our ethos as a conscientious and proactive company, we offer a FREE SERVICE to qualified organisations, to help prepare for and reduce the impact of disasters on the population. Initially we may try to do this as an 'arms length' to support and assist the group in their preparations. If the consult looks like it may need to develop into a longer more costly project we shall offer options such as discounted rates, free resources, local contacts and develop sustainable capacity building possibilities.

Obviously, we are a business and have to charge for our services but here is one of the many ways that we like to provide extra help to those who need it as a conscientious and benevolent company seeking to reduce the impact of disasters on people.

If you represent a Humanitarian Organisation in a disaster prone region, please feel free to get in touch to see if we can help. We have provided free, or "costs only" or discounted services to many. Maybe we can help you?