Flood and Swiftwater Rescue

Flood and Swiftwater are sub-specialities of our 'Water SAR / Rescue' training section.

Flood and Swiftwater rescue operations are often considered unique and special types of incidents and they can have a range of different factors and hazards that make them one of the most demanding technical rescue operations to manage and respond to.

They can occur in what would be 'wilderness' or 'country' areas - away from the beaten path or track like rivers, lakes and seas and even in urbanised built up areas like towns and villages. Subsequently, responders will have to be able to adapt to the environment and hazards and terrain and also many different agencies may be technically 'responsible' for the area or jurisdiction.

Therefore it is often a combined agency response from an Incident Management perspective and rarely does one agency claim full mandate for all flood or water rescues when the situation is unexpected or a sudden onset disaster. But the opposite may be true when you have for example, a team of lifeguards, that patrol along a beach or surf area.

Water Search and Rescue activities in relation to Disaster Response is one of the many areas we teach and train in. Responding to earthquakes which causes tsunamis (such as the 2004 Boxing day Tsunami in the Indian Ocean or the 2011 Tsunami in Japan following the massive Earthquake) are very hazardous and dangerous. Similarly monsoon rains causing flash flooding (such as the Pakistan Floods in 2010 (see picture below)) - Hurricane Katrina in the USA.

These are highly dangerous and hazardous and as usual it is the first responders on the ground at the time who much respond appropriately to keep themselves safe whilst trying to also rescue others.

We can provide bespoke or customised training packages and have done so around the world.


NFPA Compliant 1670 and 1006

    • Swiftwater Rescue Awareness Level

    • Swiftwater Rope Rescue Operations Level

    • Swiftwater Rope Rescue Technician Level

    • Swiftwater Rope Rescue Technician - Trainer (Instructor) Level

    • Swiftwater Boat Operator (Powered)

    • The use of PWC (Personal water Craft) in Water Rescue

DIMERSAR developed courses, such as:

    • Flood and Swiftwater Rescue - Responder 1

    • Water Safety Awareness

    • Water Rescue Operator / Technician

    • Flood Response and Water Rescue Responder

We can also provide specialist 'Water based Search' courses on land along the water or on the water in searching for missing persons, despondents or bodies - alone rivers and water courses. This we have done for many many years for GSAR (Ground Search and Rescue) Operators, Wilderness SAR, Ice SAR and Water Rescue Responders.