Jacob Mellott Will

Transcription of Historical Document

The last will and testament of Jacob Mellott Senior of the township of Licking Creek and County of Bedford I Jacob Mellott considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following

First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Idee the plantation that I now live on and also the six acres that I hold by warrant and also the three acres and one hundred and seventy perches that I bought of John Wink She is also to have and to hold all my personal proper-ty for use of her seport also she is to have the one third of all the grain that my two sons raised excepting three crops they are to have off of all land they clear Uriah Mellott and Jacob Mellott the wheete and the rye is to be divided in the shuck and hauled to my barn and stack the oats like ways the corn is to be divided in the ro the buck wheat is to be divided by the bushel She is to have the third of their crops alive mentioned paid yearly ?? by my two sons Uriah Mellott and Jacob Mellott or their heirs as long as she lives also give and bequeath unto my youngest son Theodorus Mellott the plantation to live on after my wifes death he is to have and to hold the land alone mentioned as long as he liveth and seen to be retailed unto his eldest male child that is living so to remain from gene-ration to generation the boundary of the lands is as follows, ajoining lands of Samuel Mellott on the East side and ajoining lands of Mr C Hammett on the North side and ajoining lands of Mr B Hammett on the South East side other lands at the West side I also give and bequeath unto my son Jacob the plantation he now lives on to have and to hold as long as he liveth and then unto his eldest mail child that is living so on from generation to generation unto the eldest male child that is live the said land land is ajoining land of Andrew Singledecker and Martin on the South Side and the land ajoining Mr B Hammett on the East end and mountains land on the West end the division line that is between my live sons Thea-dourus Mellott and Jacob Mellott is to begin in the said line in the west side of the ridge on the East end of the plantation then to run straight so as to correspond with the division fence between the middle thence up to the calde house where Uriah Mellott formerly lived thence up the hair run so as to leave water on both sides of the land and to ajoin the calde line at the meu mountain. I also give and bequeath unto my son Uriah Mellott one hundred and forty acres of the North end of the plantation that he now lives on; the re-mainder of the tract of land so called the Uriah Wink tract is to be equally divided between my two sons Theadorus Mellott and Jacob Mellott; It is to be divided so as to become efficient by ajoining above each other my son Uriah is to have and to hold the one hundred and forty acres that he now lives on as long as he liveth, and of no mail child to hold it by heirship then my son John's Andrew is to have and hold it as long as he liveth and then to his eldest male so on as alive mentioned I also give a bequeath my son Johns children each and every one of them one dollar fifty cents to be paid to them when the youngest one one becomes of age. I also give and bequeath unto my daughter Martha fifty dollars if she is living, and if not living one dollar and fifty cents to her husband. I also give and bequeath unto my daughter Alizabeth fifty dollars I also give and bequeath unto Daughter Sarah's live chil-dren ten dollars a peace

I hereby appoint my two sons Jacob Mellott and Theadorus Mellott Executors of this my last will and testament

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my land and seal the Sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty fore.

Signed sealed published by the above named Jacob Mellott to be his last will and testament in the presense of us who at his re-quest have subscribed our names a witness thereunto

Samuel Mellott, David S Mellott

} Jacob Mellott Senior

Transcribed by Denny Mellott with help from Corinne. Original Source Images:

"Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1961-28761-18070-49?cc=1999196&wc=9PMD-3TP:268498201,269794101 : accessed 29 March 2015), Bedford > Wills 1771-1849 vol 1-3 > image 626 of 724; county courthouses, Pennsylvania.

"Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-28761-17513-20?cc=1999196&wc=9PMD-3TP:268498201,269794101 : accessed 29 March 2015), Bedford > Wills 1771-1849 vol 1-3 > image 627 of 724; county courthouses, Pennsylvania.