DNA Testing

"We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies." Quote by Shirley Abbott

Click this link to learn about how DNA helped me solve the Charles Mellott Mystery.

Are you a potential match and wondering how we might be connected? Please check out my pedigree:

My Paternal Grandparents: Mellott Branch [Colonial American and Danish] & Belanger Branch [French Canadian]

My Maternal Grandparents: Fleming Branch [Scottish] & Burdek (Burdyniuk) Branch [Ukrainian]

My GEDmatch DNA ID is T054462 and my gedcom ID is 4587804.

My Tests

My Autosomal DNA Details:

Test Provider: Family Tree DNA

Test Results Received: January 7, 2015

My Y-DNA Details:

Y-Chromosome DNA Test with 46 Markers

Test Provider: Ancestry DNA

Test Results Received: October 10, 2008

Halpogroup: G2a - The Caucasus Mountaineers


Y-Chromosome DNA Test with 37 Markers

Test Provider: Family Tree DNA

Test Results Received: April 24, 2015

Halpogroup: G-M201

Y-DNA - Ancestral Origins: France (Exact Match)

Y-DNA Project:

My mtDNA Details:

<<Future Testing>>

Ethnic Makeup: European 96% & Middle Eastern 3%

European Breakdown: British Isles 31%, Scandinavia 28%, Western and Central Europe 28%, Eastern Europe 8%, & Finland and Northern Siberia 1%

Middle Eastern Breakdown: Asia Minor 3%

GEDmatch DNA ID is T054462

My X-DNA Inheritance Chart:

My Parents Tests

My Dad's Autosomal DNA Details:

Test Provider: Family Tree DNA

Test Results Received: March 25, 2015

My Mom's Autosomal DNA Details:

Test Provider: Family Tree DNA

Test Results Received: October 2, 2015

Ethnic Makeup: European 100%

European Breakdown: Eastern, Western & Central Europe 100%

GEDmatch DNA ID is T488675

My Dad's Y-DNA Details:

Halpogroup: G-M201 assumed from my test.

My Parent's Other DNA Details:

<<Future Testing>>

Ethnic Makeup: European 94% & Middle Eastern 6%

European Breakdown: Scandinavia 39%, British Isles 37%, & Southern Europe 18%

Middle Eastern Breakdown: Asia Minor 6%

GEDmatch DNA ID is T475912

My Dad's X-DNA Inheritance Chart:

My Grandparents Tests

My Paternal Grandmother's Autosomal DNA Details:

Test Provider: Family Tree DNA

Test Results Received: July 31, 2015

Ethnic Makeup: European 100%

European Breakdown: Southern Europe 54%, Scandinavia 33%, & British Isles 14%

GEDmatch DNA ID is T895876

My Paternal Grandfather's Autosomal DNA Details:

GEDmatch DNA ID is PT475912P1 phased kit created from phasing my dad and my grandmother.

My Paternal Grandfather's Y-DNA Details:

Halpogroup: G-M201 assumed from my test.

My Maternal Grandfather's Autosomal DNA Details:

Test Provider: Family Tree DNA

Test Results Received: October 2, 2015

European 96%, Jewish Diaspora 7% & Middle Eastern 2%

European Breakdown: British Isles 76% & Scandinavia 16%

Jewish Diaspora Breakdown: Ashkenazi Diaspora 7%

Middle Eastern Breakdown: Asia Minor 2%

GEDmatch DNA ID is T838450

My Maternal Grandmother's Autosomal DNA Details:

Test Provider: Family Tree DNA

Test Results Received: October 2, 2015

Ethnic Makeup: European 100%

European Breakdown: Eastern, Western & Central Europe 100%

GEDmatch DNA ID is T309228

If you are a match for any of the above test please contact me at: denny647@gmail.com; I would love to find out how we are related.

X-DNA Inheritance Chart – Male Template from: http://www.genealogyjunkie.net/downloads.html

Population Clusters in myOrigins


Note about comparing test results between Ancestry DNA Y-DNA and Family Tree DNA Y-DNA:

Four values are different despite being named the same:

DYS441 Ancestry - 1 = FTDNA

DYS442 Ancestry - 5 = FTDNA

Y-GATA-A10 Ancestry - 2 = FTDNA

Y-GATA-H4 Ancestry - 1 = FTDNA

Other Testing:

I also did a DNA test with the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, they did free testing as part of their research. I received an email from them on May 29, 2009 saying that they received my participation kit and it has been submitted it for analysis. SMGF was acquired by Ancestry in March 2012. They have discontinued updates and there last post says that there last ever update was July 2012 and it: "includes all of the Y-chromosome and mtDNA haplotypes that were generated by SMGF over the course of its operations. Please note that if any of SMGF's DNA samples were not tested for Y or mtDNA markers, they will not be included in the online databases." My results were not included, so this is a dead end.

Other Interesting DNA Information: