Links & Everything Else

Family Signatures

Useful Sites: - Great FREE website to search for historical records!

Genealogy Search Engine

Fleming - Genealogy Resource Page

The Fleming Family Page

Misc Mellott Information

The Schaub Name

Our Roots

Belanger Family

Mellott Family Genealogy

Automated Genealogy



Provincial Archives of Alberta

Henderson's Directories

Our Future, Our Past: The Alberta Heritage Digitization Project 1897-1920 Death Records for Michigan

Census Records:

Canada releases census information after 92 years have passed; 1921 Census was released in June 2013, it has been indexed and is available FREE on Ancestry -

Canada Census Guide

Double Enumeration of My Family in the 1916 Census

My Family in the 1921 Census

USA releases census information after 72 years have passed

Scotland releases census information after 100 years have passed; the 1911 Census was released in April 2011.

Alberta Homestead Records - "Under the Dominion Lands Act, once Crown land had been surveyed and officially declared available for settlement, individuals could apply to homestead a quarter section (160 acres) of their choice. Then, after paying a $10 filing fee and 'proving up' their homestead claim (occupying the land for at least three years and performing certain improvements, including building a house and barn, fencing, breaking and cropping a portion of the land), the homesteader could apply for patent (title) to the land. Dominion Lands Branch in Ottawa managed the homesteading process, although business was conducted at local land agency offices throughout the Province. When each quarter section was homesteaded for the first time it was given a file number and all documents relating to that quarter were placed on file until the land patent was granted."

Index for Alberta Homestead Records

Questions on Homestead Application Forms

Alberta Township System Converter

Alberta Government Telephone Books

Obituary Daily Times

The Early Alberta Newspaper Collection

Edmonton Journal on Google News Archive

Edmonton Obituaries - Edmonton Journal Obituary Index for 1950 to 1982

Edmonton Obituaries - Edmonton Journal Obituary Index (Multiple Years)

Edmonton Obituaries - Edmonton Journal Obituary Archive for 2002 to Present

Calgary Obituaries - Calgary Herald Obituary Archive for 2002 to Present

Montreal Obituaries - Montreal Gazette Obituary Archive for 2002 to Present

Vancouver Obituaries - Vancouver Sun Obituary Archive for 2002 to Present

Victoria Obituaries - Victoria Times Colonist Obituary Archive for 2002 to Present

Ottawa Obituaries - Ottawa Citizen Obituary Archive for 2002 to Present

Saskatoon Obituaries - Saskatoon Star Phoenix Obituary Archive for 2003 to Present

British Columbia Birth/Death/Marriage

Saskatchewan Birth/Death/Marriage

Belanger Family Genealogy Forum

Fleming Family Genealogy Forum

Mellott Family Genealogy Forum

Plamondon Family Genealogy Forum

Schaub Family Genealogy Forum

Denmark Genealogy

In 1645 King Christian IV decreed that ministers keeps a record of births, marriages, and deaths; and to guard against possible destruction or loss of church books, duplicates records were kept in separate places after 1814.* This is very good news for those of us with Ancestors from Denmark.

* Information obtained from:



Danish Words I have found on records

Denmark flag image from