Ibanez Tube Screamer

Schematic from the TS-808 service manual

So much is written about the Tube Screamer. A lot of good info can be found on Analog Man's site.

Analog Man's Tube Screamer History

Wikipedia's Tube Screamer Article

The Maxon wikipedia page is currently (April 2015) proclaiming Tube Screamers was made back in 1974, which I have yet to see any evidence of. (From Maxon's own website: "The Tube Screamer as we know it today started in the late 70's with the TS-808 model...") 1979 is the earliest release date I've seen for the TS-808.

The Tube Screamer's success is often attributed to its use of symmetrical diode clipping within the feedback loop of a non-inverting op amp stage. Indeed, it is difficult to find an earlier example with this exact topology. Boss's OD-1 (1977) used the same op amp topology, but the diode clipping is asymmetrical (2 of one polarity, 1 of the other). The Electro Harmonix Big Muff was changed to an op amp design, also in 1977. The Muff uses symmetrical diode clipping, but it used an inverting topology with 6 diodes, and the Muff's distortion is much more intense than either the OD-1 or the TS-808. Unlike the OD or the TS, there is no control over the high gain of the Muff's clipping stage. The TS-808 happened upon a combination that just seems to work well for most people who want subtle boost and overdrive in front of a tube amplifier.