Electro Harmonix Electric Mistress

For all your Electric Mistress needs, I recommend the Electric Mistress Mystery Page.

Schematics, calibration tips, and more.

This pedal was designed by David Cockerell. The pictured version uses a SAD1024 BBD chip to slightly delay the input signal. You can select to have either a low frequency oscillator constantly modulating the delay (flanger mode) or turn off the modulation and just listen to the phase cancellation effect (filter matrix mode).

The Mistress above did not flange or even pass signal when I got it. +18V was going to the pass transistor emitter, but very little voltage was measuring on the other side. This is a fairly typical symptom with these transistor regulators. The transistor had failed open. I subbed in something spec'd similarly, paying attention to the current and wattage specs, and the Mistress was back.