The most common neurological disorders

Post date: Sep 26, 2019 5:13:59 PM

Modern science has shown us that there exist hundreds of different neurological conditions. They range in both symptom and severity and are often different from one person to another. While some come with age, others are rarer and more serious. Hereunder are some of the most common neurological disorders, according to expert Curtis Cripe, Ph.D.

Epilepsy: This neurological disorder is caused by abnormal electrical activities in one’s brain and manifests themselves in seizures. There are different types of seizures that someone with epilepsy can experience, which makes it important that someone with this disorder is closely monitored.

Parkinson’s disease: This is characterized by a loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Someone with Parkinson’s may experience violent shaking in their arms, legs, hands, jaw, and face. Parkinson’s disease thus results in issues with one’s balance and coordination.

Multiple sclerosis: This long-lasting, autoimmune disease is the result of having the insulating layer of most of one’s nerve cells destroyed. It can prevent the proper functioning of various parts of one’s body, including the brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves in one’s eyes.

Alzheimer’s disease: This disorder is often associated with aging, affecting an individual’s memory and ability to think. Despite many modern ways to better handle the disease, there is still no known cure for Alzheimer’s, Dr. Curtis Cripe adds.

Dr.Curtis Cripe’s professional career and academic background span a diverse range of disciplines, including aerospace engineering, software development, bioengineering, addiction recovery, psychophysiology, psychology, and child neurodevelopment. For more reads on neurology, click this link.