Some learning disabilities in children that you need to be aware of

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As the head of research and development at the NTL Group, Dr. Curtis Cripe concerns himself with creating neuroengineering programs, one of these being neurodevelopmental delays in children with learning disorders. In this blog, he shares some learning disabilities in children.

1. Dyslexia

Dyslexia is the most common learning disability, and there’s a strong chance that many have encountered a person who has it. Dyslexic children often reveal themselves to have a disability when they cannot read and comprehend text. Additionally, children with dyslexia may have difficulty recognizing the way words break down according to sound. Phonological processing is also a struggle, making it hard to distinguish between similar word sounds, adds Dr. Curtis Cripe.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has affected over 6 million children at some point in their lives. Scholars are divided into whether the condition in itself is a learning disability, at least in the technical sense. Still, there is a strong consensus that ADHD is a learning impediment. Children with ADHD have difficulty paying attention and staying on task. It’s quite common for them to miss out on their lessons, being easily distracted.

3. Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a condition that challenges a student’s abilities in Math. This can manifest as difficulties in ordering numbers, understanding how numbers relate to each other, and even pattern recognition, notes Dr. Curtis Cripe. With limited strategies, these children are often unable to perform even the most basic problem-solving skills. This difficulty may also cause students to struggle with the sciences, especially in experimentation, wherein the concepts of time, measurement, and estimation are necessary.

Curtis Cripe, Ph.D., hails from a multidisciplinary academic and professional background that includes addiction and psychophysiology. He is the director of research and development at the NTL Group, a company specializing in neuroengineering programs to diagnose and treat a wide array of neurological dysfunctions. For more related articles, visit this page.