Dr. Curtis Cripe: Memory Loss Treatment and Management

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Dr. Curtis Cripe: A Guide on Handling Memory Loss



Forgetting things can be more than just temporarily inconvenient – it can potentially disrupt our lives profoundly. Fortunately, numerous possible causes for memory loss can be identified and addressed by experts like Dr. Curtis Cripe of NTL Group's research & development department. By understanding what may have caused your recall lapse, you could regain control over this important part of life.


A possible cause for memory loss is both prescription and over-the-counter medication. It could be that your sleeping pills or antihistamines are causing memory disruptions. Anti-depressants, pain medication after surgery, or muscle relaxants may also affect memory loss. Consult with your physicians about this.


Another possible reason people experience forgetfulness is lack of sleep. Dr. Curtis Cripe says it can happen if you've been overworked and get too little sleep. The resulting fatigue could also affect the processing and retrieval of information in the brain. It means getting enough rest is a must.


Another big cause of memory loss is bad nutrition or deficiency in nutrients and vitamins. Stress has also been linked to forgetfulness, as is heavy consumption of alcohol, smoking, drug use, and the incidence of a head injury. 


That said, Dr. Curtis Cripe mentions that there are plenty of ways to treat and manage memory loss. Eating healthier food and sleeping right are practical ways to avoid memory loss.  


It is also advisable to socialize more regularly. It pushes back depression and stress, also known causes of memory loss. In addition, staying mentally active is a good idea. Dr. Curtis Cripe recommends doing crossword puzzles and volunteering for civic projects. Also, learning to play a musical instrument or read more books effectively prevents memory loss.  


Exercise isn't just great for our bodies - it can also help keep minds sharp. According to Dr. Curtis Cripe, a sedentary lifestyle deprives the brain of vital blood flow, leading us to forget things more easily. On the other hand, activities like jogging and brisk walking ensure that oxygen-rich blood circulates through your body and keeps memories top-notch. Aerobics or yoga are excellent options; combine physical exertion with mindful meditation for an even bigger boost in brain power. 


Dr. Curtis Cripe is the director of research and development at the NTL Group. Read more of Dr. Cripe's insights on brain development by clicking on this page.