The Fascinating Path Of Neuroengineering

Post date: Jun 12, 2017 7:31:04 AM

Neuroengineering has had a fascinating history. As a part of biomedical engineering, this field combines engineering techniques and the science of the neural system. Neuroengineers amazingly are able to create interfaces between the human neural system and non-living constructs. It is very close to human cybernetics, which was once regarded as science fiction.

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The discipline itself started out relatively late, probably because researchers had to wait for technology that could suit their needs to be developed. But even now, what experts in this field know is still very limited. The upside is that new milestones and breakthroughs are coming through in rapid succession.

The first of the global conferences on neuroengineering was held in 2003. By 2004, write-ups, journals, and reports began being published. To date, seven global conferences have been hosted by groups all over the world, in places such as Antalya in Turkey, Cancun in Mexico, and Montpellier.

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It is quite an exciting endeavor as neuroengineers, researchers, doctors, and scientists have started to have a better understanding of the way the neural network works. As the days pass, researchers are coming out with new ways to help people in conditions that were previously thought irreversible. And with the continued advancement of medicine, the future of neuroengineering seems brighter than ever.

Curtis Cripe, Ph.D., head of research and development of NTL Group, has extensive experience in the field of neuroengineering. To learn more about him and his work with NTL Group, log on to this website.