Capacity For Change: Brain Plasticity

Post date: Aug 19, 2016 11:11:18 AM

Not every brain has the same level of capability to adapt to environmental stimulation. It depends on what medical professionals call brain plasticity or neuroplasticity, or how the central nervous system (CNS) is able to change – for better or worse – at any age.

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Brain plasticity plays a huge role in treating the damaged areas of the brain due to developmental delays, head trauma, or brain injury.

Impaired development in children impacts their ability to self-regulate, so they exhibit behavioral issues or learning disabilities. However, recovery is possible. The child’s brain can be restored to its normal developmental timeline through neurodevelopment training programs.

In the same manner, adults can also regain their normal functions which could have been lost because of injuries or substance abuse. Cognitive functional abilities, which center on the ability to exercise self-control, can be re-developed or strengthened through neurofunctional training program.

But these programs hinge largely on the brain plasticity of the patient, both on how the neurons link to each other in a system (synaptic plasticity) and how the neurons adapt themselves (non-synaptic plasticity).

Since the brain is considered the most complex machine on earth, cutting-edge programs and processes are required to measure brain plasticity.

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Curtis Cripe, Ph.D. has worked in the fields of aerospace, engineering, software development, bioengineering, addiction recovery, psychophysiology, psychology, and child neurodevelopment. His vast experience in different industries helps him in leading the research and development division of NTLgroup®, which specializes in the creation of neuroengineering programs that diagnose and treat a broad array of neurological dysfunctions. To learn more about the company, visit the official website.