PSA from NTL Group: Keep vulnerable people safe during a global health crisis

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Curtis Cripe and NTL Group have been working tirelessly over the past five months to contribute whatever they can in the battle against the coronavirus. Seeing the overwhelming numbers, Dr. Cripe is still optimistic that the pandemic will be over soon.

As part of his effort, Dr. Curtis Cripe has written blogs that have helped inform and educate people on the finer points of staying safe and strong, both physically and mentally, during the current global health crisis.

For today’s blog, Dr. Cripe lists three ways people everywhere can keep individuals most vulnerable to the virus, specifically those of advanced ages and those with underlying health conditions, safe.

Prepare a plan in case symptoms show.

A plan for vulnerable individuals includes information on their health conditions, emergency contacts such as their next of kin and emergency contacts, an ample supply of their medication, and even end-of-life directions. Preparation for such a crisis is key, even if resources are limited.

Always keep enough essential stock at home.

Dr. Cripe mentions that without hoarding, households need to stock up on medication, supplements, food, distilled water, and other essential supplies. This cuts the instances of leaving the house significantly, thus lowering the chances of bringing in the virus to households with vulnerable individuals.

Make sure everyone is relaxed and calm.

Stress can have an incredibly negative effect on one’s health, which can be a big problem with today’s crisis. Dr. Curtis Cripe explains that if need be, adults in a household unplug, or keep people from seeing news that causes stress, anxiety, or any unnecessary emotional distress.

Curtis Cripe, Ph.D. heads research and development at the NTL Group, which uses neuroengineering technology that repairs brain dysfunction to treat a myriad of diseases and disorders. Learn more about neurological issues here.