Job Board

On the first day of school the different classroom jobs are reviewed with the students. Application forms are passed out, and the students must fill them out and bring them to class before the end of the week. Each student has to apply for a job. Some jobs are more demanding. Here is the list of job descriptions (and the pay that goes with each) from which students may choose their occupation.

Banker, $575. A banker keeps records of the amount of money spent at auctions and what the student bought. If a student in the classroom receives a community award from another teacher the banker will record this information and then make me aware.This student must be good at arithmetic and have the highest integrity. Letter of reference required.

Police Officer, $525. Police officials patrol a selected area of the room. Each officer has a book of names with all the students in their jurisdiction. If a student breaks any of the class rules, the officer keeps a record of the infraction. The Chief of Police officer (only 1 and the police fficers select the chief) helps me collect all the fines that students pay for breaking the rules.

Class Librarian, $575. The class librarian ensures that the library is neat and that the books are organized by level and genre.

Mastery Club Monitor, $550. Will enter the number of mastery Club award a student has earned and place this number on the Mastery Club board.

Janitor, $600. A janitor is given a specific area of the room to keep clean daily. Job duties will involve scrubbing the sink and desks every day, sweeping the room twice a day and dumping the trash.

Grader, $600. Grammar, spelling and homework graders. I provide an answer sheet to graders and they grade the work. They record the results in a homework and class worksheet and give the graded workback to each student. Note: Graders are not expected to grade writing, I will do that. There is usually a grader for each table.

Messenger, $525. At times we need two students to send messages to other classes or the office. These students must be able to deliver oral messages accurately and must know the school staff.

Clerk, $550. Usually have about three students who are clerks. These students pass out and collect papers

Judge, $550. A judge resolves classroom disputes that cannot be solved by the Chief of Police. All disputes must be resolved during recess time or when there is free time in class. If the judge cannot resolve a dispute then the issue is escalated to the teacher.