Equation Solver Master

Equation Solver Master

  • Order of Operations. Many middle school students miss problems solving equations because they haven't fully mastered order of operations. This section will start with the basics and change to very difficult order of operations problems.
  • Expressions. Combine like terms in expressions such as 3x +5 - 7x -12 +2y. Also use substitution when the variable is a number and/or exponents are used in the expression.
  • Equations. Any 8th grade student should be able to solve the equation 3x- (7x - 5) = -5 + 8 (7x -6). Most students miss this problem because they haven't fully mastered order of operations, expressions or the process to solve an equation. If students are still getting the problem wrong it usually involves positive and negative numbers or multiplication errors.

Equations. To ensure that all middle school students are high school ready they must be able to solve problems such as 4x + 6= 2x - 15. 7th graders need to understand problems such as 4x + 6 = 15

Click on this link for the 8th Grade Equation Solver