Intensive Care Unit

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is an after school program dedicated to help students change poor work habits. Arrangements will be made with parents/guardians to have students join the Intensive Care Unit. There are a number of ways to gain admittance to the Intensive Care Unit. Any of the below issues will gain you admittance to the ICU they include

    • Not completing work in class because you choose to either do nothing or distract others. If you choose not to work in your group you put yourself at risk of working in your own group. If I ask you to work in your own group you must earn your way back to joining your group by completing all classwork and homework assignments on time for 3 days in a row. If you do not earn the right to rejoin your group after 3 days you will be welcomed to the Intensive Care Unit.
    • Miss 2 consecutive homework assignments. If you do not do the work at home you will earn the right to do your homework in the Intensive Care Unit. After you complete three consecutive homework assignments in the ICU you earn the right to be discharged
    • Fail (not yet) 2 consecutive quizzes until you pass the next quiz. If you continue to fail consecutive quizzes at a later date we may look at longer stays in the ICU. At the beginning of the school year I wait until after the first test before I follow up on not being there yet on two consecutive quizzes.
    • Fail 1 test and have made no effort after school (within 3 days) to learn what was failed

If you do not put forth effort and fool around while you are in the Intensive Care Unit I will ask you to think about and document what you are doing using the behavioral levels of development in Google Classroom. I will review what you wrote with you and you will tell me your renewed plan to get out of ICU. If you continue to fool around you will asked to reflect more deeply about your behavior using the 4 levels of behavior development. We will take both documents you wrote and set up a meeting with your parents/guardians (which could include a home visit). If you refuse to reflect on your behavior I will write a referral (yes, I will write a referral after school) documenting your defiance and you can explain your behavior to an administrator. .

Important Note: Many students come after school on their own because they have good work habits! These students are leaders because they are taking the initiative to work hard and learn.