Torah, Reb Betsy's Ordination and More!

Post date: Dec 22, 2017 1:43:24 AM

Shalom Beit Chaverim members!

This week's Torah portion, Genesis 44:18-47:27, Vayigash:

Hard to believe we are still in Genesis! So much has happened in this book from creation to the selling of Joseph into enslavement.

Judah pleads with Joseph to free Benjamin and offers himself as a replacement. Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and forgives them for selling him into slavery. Although the famine still rages, Pharaoh invites Joseph's family to 'live off the fat of the land.' Jacob learns that Joseph is still alive and with God's blessing, goes to Egypt. Pharaoh permits Joseph's family to settle in Goshen. Pharaoh then meets with Jacob. With the famine increasing, Joseph designs a plan for the Egyptians to trade their livestock and land for food. The Israelites thrive in Egypt.

Thank you to all who came to our Chanukah party on Sunday! We had great latkes, doughnuts, games, prizes, songs, and skilled dreidel spinners!!!! It was a pleasure to see our members and a few new faces! With Chanukah behind us we move into our winter holiday season.

I will be sending a link to the 'live stream' of my Ordination on January 7th! Hope you will be able to view it, enjoy, and 'schlep nachas' (draw pride) from this transformational event.

Our next Service will be our first in 2018 on January 19th! Looking forward to seeing you then.

Please feel free to contact me as needed over the next few weeks till then.

Wishing all our members and their families a very Happy Holiday and a Healthy 2018!

Please make note of our new email address and telephone number. Keep your eye out in your mailbox (your real mailbox!) for a letter from me.

Hebrew anyone?? Free lessons at the link below. click-and-read-free

We do have what seems like a possibility of a trip next fall. Ask Me More!!

Shabbat Shalom,

Reb Betsy
