Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur and More!

Post date: Sep 26, 2017 11:11:52 PM

Reminder that our Kol Nidre service is Friday,

September 29th

at 6:45 pm at Saint Paul's.


Our Yom Kippur Service is Saturday, September 30th at 10:00 am at Saint Paul's.

The Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur prayers were poems written to be prayed as a Congregation. Almost all of them are written in the first person, "We.." During these Ten Days of Awe, Beit Chaverim members come together as family.

Important Kol Nidre Reminder:

At Kol Nidre we will begin our Service with putting on our Tallit and saying the blessing together. We will provide a Tallit for anyone who may need one.

Yom Kippur Reminder:

We are asking that you bring an unopened box of snacks to our Yom Kippur Service, anything that you would pack in a childs lunch. These snacks will be donated to the Saint Paul's food pantry.

Break the Fast with us!

The Kupperman's have oferred to host a break the fast Saturday night at 6:30pm. Please email Christine at coastiewife426@gmail.com if you would be able to bring plate for the break fast.