Torah & More!

Post date: Jan 29, 2017 8:10:58 PM

Shalom Beit Chaverim Members,

Once again a huge thank you to the Kupperman's for

hosting our Shabbat potluck and Friday night Service

in their home! Check out the details for our next Service

hosted by the Salens!

This week's Torah portion is Va'era in the book of Exodus:

God again charges Moses to confront Pharoah and say,

"Let my people go!!"

Aaron becomes the spokesman for the hesitant Moses. He

performs a wonder before Pharaoah but to no avail. Following

God's instructions Moses calls down seven plagues increasing

in intensity upon the Egyptians. Pharoah will not yield.

(Sim Shalom Prayerbook)

Betsy Roth

Spiritual Leader

Congregation Beit Chaverim

Prince Frederick, MD 20678

(410) 586-0090
