Thank You from Rabbi Saltzman

Post date: May 25, 2015 3:40:35 PM

To all the officers, members and students of Beit Chaverim of Calvert County and especially to Roberta and Klaus for organizing the celebration luncheon:

I am grateful to you!

Yesterday was marvelous and you clearly made a remarkable event with the congregation from the beautiful catered event to the setting on the bay in Solomons Island, to the magnificent Tallit which I will use exclusively for Beit Chaverim, To the book of tributes and memories, to the lifetime membership certificate nicely framed, to the beautiful bouquet of flowers, to the Maryland Assembly recognition certificate presented by Delegate Mark Fisher a member of the Maryland Assembly to the letters and photos which I found so moving to the personal statements read and expressed.

It was a remarkable day which included Carol and our guests Cherie and Kent who were delighted to be there. We began with blessings and ended with a blessing. I am so proud to be your rabbi, so honored by all that was done and by your presence at this event. There could never be enough thank you's, nevertheless, one more big Thank you!

Together we make a congregation and community, and you honored me in so many ways. We have a connection which is genuine and in friendship, study and worship we continue our beloved tradition.

It is moving for me to know that those of you who have interfaith families are happy with us and are totally welcome. We treasure your participation.

I am especially proud of being teacher to our students, and serving with many educational directors, teachers and coordinators.If you know a couple of families with children let them know about us!

Thank you for this very great honor, and the honor of being your Rabbi.

Rabbi Arnold Saltzman