Torah, Not by Bread Alone, High Holidays, and more!!

Post date: Aug 4, 2018 5:37:17 PM

Shalom Chaverim,

I hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks of summer. I know this has been a great one for me! Since I've been back from my trip to Oregon, I have been focused on getting our Service ready for the High Holidays! The Torah reading Trope for the High Holidays is actually different that the melodies for the rest of the year. This is the year I am determined to learn it!! Naturally, we do want our members to participate in the Service. If there is anything particular you have in mind, please be in touch with me.

This week's Torah Portion is Eikev, Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25:

Moses tells the Israelites that if they follow God's laws, the nations who now dwell across the Jordan River will not harm them. Moses reminds the people of the virtues of keeping God's commandments. He also tells them that they will dispossess those who now live in the Land only because they are idolatrous, not because the Israelites are uncommonly virtuous. Thereupon, Moses reviews all of the trespasses of the Israelites against God. Moses says that the Land of Israel will overflow with milk and honey if the people obey God's commandments and teach them to their children (this is part of our V'ahavta prayer). This parasha is also the source (8:3) of the expression

"that man does not live by bread only!!"


We do include the name of a loved on, both in our Torah and more and on our monthly Friday night Services.

Please send us the names of those you would like to have remembered in this way.

Help grow our congregation!

To your left is a link: "Forward to a Friend" Do it!! Please tell family and friends about upcoming High Holiday Services. Let's not be Calvert County's best kept secret!

Here is a YouTube of Ofra Haza singing one of our High Holiday melodies.

Eli Eli

Shelo Yigamer le'olam.

Hachol vehayam

Rishrush shel hamayim

Berak Hashamayim

Tefilat ha'adam

Let's get more traffic on our FaceBook page!! Check it out by clicking on the 'f' icon to the left.

(please let me know if you had the opportunity to visit my new website:

BarMitzvah Your Way

I'd like to get your feedback)

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Betsy