Torah and More

Post date: Jun 22, 2017 12:26:58 AM

This week's Torah portion is Korach:

Korach leads a rebellion agains Moses and Aaron. God causes the earth to open, swallowing Korach and his followers. These deaths lead to grumbling among the people, further provoking God's wrath. A plague befalls the people, killing many. God arranges for a divine sign--the flowering of Aaron's rod--to affirm his priesthood and quiet the people. God reiterates the duties of priests and Levites. (Sim Shalom Siddur)

Due to severe weather conditions on Monday, I was unable to attend the Ramadan break fast of Iftar. I heard the program was held and that it was very successful. Hats off to our Calvert Interfaith Council for making this happen.

Hebrew anyone?? Almost every week, I include a website for free Hebrew lessons online. If there is an interest and if you are someone who needs more structure, I will be offering Hebrew lessons (online) after the High Holidays.

Speaking of the High Holidays...

I have already begun to plan!! This year I'd like to send out some materials in advance so we have more participation. Here is a YouTube video for the much beloved song Eli Eli sung at our Yom Kippur


Eli, Eli

Shelo yigamer le'olam:

Hachol vehayam

Rishrush shel hamayim

Berak hashamayim

Tefilat ha'adam.

My God, My God

I pray that these things never end:

The sand and the sea

The rush of the water

The crash of the heavens

The prayer of Man.

Don't forget to put our two summer Pool Parties on your calendar and 'like' us on FaceBook!

Hoping to see you June 19th!

Reb Betsy