Torah, Blintzes, Pool Parties! Who needs more?

Post date: Jun 5, 2017 12:14:41 AM

Shalom Beit Chaverim members,

I hope some of you got a chance to enjoy blintzes on the Shavuot (giving of the Torah) holiday. This week's parasha has got a lot of juicy parts, from infidelity to taking extra vows. Then we are introduced to the beautiful priestly blessing we so often hear. Give it a read!

Parashat Naso:

The Levites are to dismantle the Tabernacle when Israel sets forth and to set it up again when Israel encamps. God forbids unclean persons to dwell in the camp. Priestly intervention is required in cases of marital infidelity or the breaking of a Nazirite vow of consecration to God. God trains Aaron to deliver Birkat Kohanim, the three-fold priestly blessing. The Mishkan is then dedicated. (Sim Shalom Siddur)

Shabbat Shalom,

Reb Betsy

Betsy Roth

Spiritual Leader

Congregation Beit Chaverim

Prince Frederick, MD 20678

(410) 586-0090

If you're not going to be better tomorrow than you were today,

then what need have you for tomorrow?

Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav