Special Presentation - "Footnote to Victory"

Post date: Jan 6, 2015 12:11:39 AM

Moshe Dyan Golda Meir Anwar Sadat

Congregation Beit Chaverim is pleased to announce a special Education/Discussion program on Sunday Jan.18th at 1pm at the home of Klaus and Roberta.

Our own Mark Kuperman will be presenting his study of the Yom Kippur War with discussion of Israel's ongoing conflicts with the Arab nations. Mark’s presentation will focus on Intelligence Failures Preceding the Yom Kippur War,

We invite all Congregation members to attend, including the youngsters and teens who will be able to play in another area while the group shares in the discussion.

Snacks and Desserts will follow.

Address and directions will be provided, please RSVP to Roberta Safer/Klaus Zwilsky via our email robertasafer@comcast.net.

Robert & Klaus